Inside the for loop of my SetPoints() method which is in the Polygon class Im trying to assign the values of the parameter arrays into a class array, but its not working, the class array just continues to hold garbage values. I have a few debugging output statements that show that. Can anyone tell me whats wrong?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Point
   int x;
   int y;
   Point(int takeX, int takeY);
   void Set(int pntX, int pntY);
   int GetX();
   int GetY();
   void DisplayPoint();

class Polygon
   int num_points;
   static const int MAX_POINTS = 100;
   string points[MAX_POINTS];

   Polygon(int polySize, int xArray[], int yArray[]);
   void SetPoints(int polySize, int xArray[], int yArray[]);
   string ShowPolygon();
   void AddPoint(int x, int y);
   void AddPoint(Point p);
   void ClearPoly();
int main()
   int coord1 = 83, coord2 = 25, coord3 = 27, coord4 = 85;
   int groupNum = 6;
   int groupX[] = {68,17,54,98,16,34};
   int groupY[] = {38,15,84,56,68,84};
   int x_values[] = {34,97,73,95,82,35,79,46,28,15};
   int y_values[] = {35,94,67,15,94,68,64,26,68,18};
   int coord5 = 37, coord6 = 15, coord7 = 67;
   int coord8 = 92, coord9 = 73, coord10 = 93;
   Point pointObj1(4,5);
   pointObj1.Set(coord1, coord2);
   Polygon poly1(10, x_values, y_values);
   Polygon poly2;
   poly2.SetPoints(groupNum, groupX, groupY);
   cout << poly1.ShowPolygon() << endl;
   cout << poly2.ShowPolygon() << endl;
   pointObj1.Set(coord3, coord4);
   poly1.AddPoint(pointObj1.GetX(), pointObj1.GetY());
   cout << poly1.ShowPolygon() << endl;
   cout << poly2.ShowPolygon() << endl;
   Point pointObj2(coord5, coord6);
   Point pointObj3(coord7, coord8);
   Point pointObj4(coord9, coord10);
   pointObj2.Set(x_values[0], x_values[1]);
   pointObj3.Set(x_values[2], x_values[3]);
   pointObj4.Set(x_values[4], x_values[5]);
   poly2.AddPoint(pointObj2.GetX(), pointObj2.GetY());
   poly2.AddPoint(pointObj3.GetX(), pointObj3.GetY());
   poly2.AddPoint(pointObj4.GetX(), pointObj4.GetY());
   cout << poly1.ShowPolygon() << endl;
   cout << poly2.ShowPolygon() << endl;
   return 0;
//------------------point methods--------------
   x = 0;
   y = 0;
Point::Point(int takeX, int takeY)
   Set(takeX, takeY);
void Point::Set(int pntX, int pntY)
   if (pntX > 0 || pntX < 400)
      x = pntX;
      cout << "x is not within resolution boundries" << endl;
   if (pntY > 0 || pntY < 400)
      y = pntY;
      cout << "y is not within resolution boundries" << endl;
int Point::GetX()
   return x;
int Point::GetY()
   return y;
void Point::DisplayPoint()
   cout << "(" << x << "," << y << ")" << endl;
//-----------polygon methods------------------
   num_points = 0;
Polygon::Polygon(int polySize, int xArray[], int yArray[])//how to pass arrays int methods
   SetPoints(polySize, xArray, yArray);
void Polygon::SetPoints(int polySize, int xArray[], int yArray[])
   cout << "points Xarray is now " << xArray[0] << " " << xArray[1] << " " << xArray[2] << " " << xArray[3] << " " << endl;
   cout << "points Yarray is now " << yArray[0] << " " << yArray[1] << " " << yArray[2] << " " << yArray[3] << " " << endl;

   int xValue = sizeof(xArray), yValue = sizeof(yArray); // get array size
   if (polySize < 0 && polySize >= MAX_POINTS)
      cout << "polygon size is not within bounds" << endl;
   else if (xValue > 50 || yValue > 50)
      cout << "x array or y array is too large" << endl;
   //else if (xValue != yValue || polySize != xValue || polySize != yValue)
      //cout << "array size or array values do not agree" << endl;
   else if (polySize &#37; 2 != 0 || xValue % 2 != 0 || yValue % 2 != 0)
      cout << "array size or array values are not even" << endl;
      num_points = polySize;
      int j = 0;
      for (int h = 0;h < num_points;h++)
         cout << "NUMPOINTS is: " << num_points << endl;
         cout << "Xarray in for is now " << xArray[h] << endl;
         points[j] = xArray[h];
         points[j + 1] = yArray[h];
         cout << "points[] in for is now " << points[j] << endl;
         j += 2;
      cout << "points_array is now " << points[0] << " " << points[1] << " " << points[2] << " " << points << " " << endl;
string Polygon::ShowPolygon()
   string displayPoly;
   for (int h = 0;h < num_points;h += 2)
      displayPoly += "(" + points[h] + "," + points[h + 1] + ")";
      if (h < num_points)
         displayPoly += ",";
   return displayPoly;
void Polygon::AddPoint(int x, int y)
   points[num_points] = x;
   points[num_points + 1] = y;
   num_points += 2;
void Polygon::AddPoint(Point p) 
   points[num_points] = p.GetX();
   points[num_points + 1] = p.GetY();
   num_points += 2;
void Polygon::ClearPoly()
   num_points = 0;