Hya all.

Recently there has been a lot of fuzz because of C++0x and such. I've been reading allot and I'm already working with GCC's attempt at implementing what is 'supposed' to be in the Standard.

But I'd like to ask you what you think will be the 'greatest revolution' (if any).

Secondly, I'd like to ask you if something liek waht I'll describe exists (I've googled it around and I can't seem to find it). So here goes:

When you have an inline function it is considered to always be inlined, even if the compiler decides not to do it, there is no way of stopping it getting inlined, or am I wrong? Well, if I am right and it is not possible to do this, will the Standard implement such a way? Or a similar (opposite) path that would allow a 'regular' function to be inlined automatically?

Thanks in advance
