I'm working on a cash register program using C ++ the issue is that i'm not sure how to use the mod operator to get the remainder and figure out how many cents and bills needed ( Twenties, tens, fives, dollars, quarters, dimes , nickels, pennies)
I used a float to get the change now someone told me i should split that change value into changeindollars and changeincents, then it should be easier to get the other details. This is what i got down so far:
thanks for the help anyone.


int main(void) 
	float amountPurchase=0.00;
	float amountTendered=0.00;
	float change=0.00;
	int changeInDollars=0;
	int changeInCents=0;
            int Twenties, Tens, Fives; 

	printf("Welcome to the Online cash register!\n"); 
	printf("Please enter the total amount of purchase: $"); 
	scanf("%f", & amountPurchase);
	printf("Please enter the amount of money tendered: $");
	scanf("%f",& amountTendered);
	change = amountTendered - amountPurchase;
	printf("Your changes is:$ %.2f\n", change);

	changeInDollars =   ?
             changeInCents =   ?

	Twenties = changeInDollars / 20;
	printf("Twentie: %i\n", Twenties);
	Tens = changeInDollars /10;
	printf("Ten: %i\n", Tens);
	Fives = changeInDollars /5;
	printf("Five: %i\n", Fives);


	printf("Thanks you for using the Online cash register!\n"); 

	return EXIT_SUCCESS; 