
I'd like to thank everyone that helped me out last time when I was having class issues - I've taken your recommendations on board and rewritten my code. Here's an explanation of my problem :

I'm writing a simulation programme that incorporates a doubly-linked list as a way to control "pieces" on a "gameboard". I've now written a class to handle my nodes, and a class to handle the list of nodes itself.

My class Node is fairly basic, and manages what a node should contain. The code is as follows :

class Node
        Node *next;
        Node *prev;
        Node(); // CONSTRUCTOR
        void move();
        void place();
        int readx();
        int ready();
        int type;

        int x;
        int y;

// Constructor
    next = NULL;
    prev = NULL;
    x = 1;
    y = 1;
    type = NODE; // NODE is an enum, at the moment NODE == 0

int Node::readx()
    return x;

int Node::ready()
    return y;

// Node Movement
void Node::move()
    positions[x][y].presence[type] = FALSE; // Remove this piece from its current place on the board

    switch((rand() % 8) + 1) // Generate a random direction
        case 1:
            x += 1;
        case 2:
            x += 1;
            y += 1;
        case 3:
            y += 1;
        case 4:
            y += 1;
            x -= 1;
        case 5:
            x -= 1;
        case 6:
            x -= 1;
            y -= 1;
        case 7:
            y -= 1;
        case 8:
            x +=1 ;
            y -= 1;

    // Cyclic board - pieces "wrap around" the edges of the board
    if(x < 1) x = BOARDMAX;
    if(x > BOARDMAX) x = 1;

    if(y < 1) y = BOARDMAX;
    if(y > BOARDMAX) y = 1;

    positions[x][y].presence[type] = TRUE; // Place this piece on the board

    // DEBUG
    cout << "Moved.\n";
    // Used to count that the correct number of nodes are being moved at first

// Set initial, random position on board
void Node::place()
    x = (rand() % BOARDMAX) + 1;
    y = (rand() % BOARDMAX) + 1;
    positions[x][y].presence[type] = TRUE;

To clarify certain aspects of that, namely the positions.presence, here's that structure :

struct contents // Possible "pieces"
    bool presence[TOTAL_TYPES];

contents positions[BOARDMAX][BOARDMAX]; // Game position grid
with TOTAL_TYPES being the last of my ENUM ( just an int ).

I have a class, called Mortal, which derives from Node. It adds a boolean, like so :

class Mortal : public Node
        bool death;

// Derived classes don't inherit a constructor, but is executed anyway, so we need a constructor anyway :
// Constructor
    type = MORTAL;
    death = FALSE;

My problem comes when I try to use a pointer to a node object, Node * conductor ( my iterator, essentially ) to access my boolean, "death".

if(mortalslist.conductor->death) mortalslist.remove();
where mortalslist is an object of type List, with Mortals as nodes.

My error is :

'class Node' has no member named 'death'

Is there a way around this ? I don't want to create a pointer of type Mortal, as this will break all of the polymorphism I've worked into the code, and will make future expandability very poor. Can it be typecast ? Is there another, better solution ?

Thanks very much once again,