Hey guys

I am doing well making a tic tac toe program and so far I have created the board and am able to place the "O" character as a human move in any of the nine slots. Also, I have a function that checks if the move is legal before it allows this to happen.

The problem comes when I try to ask the computer to make a move. I keeps saying "cannot move to this location" even when the square is empty. All the game does so far is call the computer move then call the player move so I can test to see if its working ok before I go through all the winning moves etc.

Here is the code that organises the computer movement each turn

// function to determine a computer move
int TicTacToe::makeComputerMove ( char m_Board[][ 3 ] )
	int square = 0;

	int xCorr = rand() % 8 + 0;

	if (( xCorr < 0 ) || ( xCorr > 8 ))
		return 0;

	int yCorr = rand() % 8 + 0;

	if (( yCorr < 0 ) || ( yCorr > 8 ))
		return 0;

	if (( xCorr == 0 ) && ( yCorr == 0 )) {  m_Board[ xCorr ][ yCorr ]; square = 1; }
	else if (( xCorr == 0 ) && ( yCorr == 1 )) { m_Board[ xCorr ][ yCorr ]; square = 2; }
	else if (( xCorr == 0 ) && ( yCorr == 2 )) { m_Board[ xCorr ][ yCorr ]; square = 3; }
	else if (( xCorr == 1 ) && ( yCorr == 0 )) { m_Board[ xCorr ][ yCorr ]; square = 4; }
	else if (( xCorr == 1 ) && ( yCorr == 1 )) { m_Board[ xCorr ][ yCorr ]; square = 5; }
	else if (( xCorr == 1 ) && ( yCorr == 2 )) { m_Board[ xCorr ][ yCorr ]; square = 6; }
	else if (( xCorr == 2 ) && ( yCorr == 0 )) { m_Board[ xCorr ][ yCorr ]; square = 7; }
	else if (( xCorr == 2 ) && ( yCorr == 1 )) { m_Board[ xCorr ][ yCorr ]; square = 8; }
	else if (( xCorr == 2 ) && ( yCorr == 2 )) { m_Board[ xCorr ][ yCorr ]; square = 9; }

	isLegalComp ( m_Board, xCorr, yCorr, square );

	return 0;
This function checks if the move is legal

// function to check that the move the computer
// makes is a legal one
int TicTacToe::isLegalComp ( char m_Board [][ 3 ], int &x, int &y, int &square )
	// first row first column
	if  (( square == 1 ) && ( m_SquareTaken[ 0 ] == 0 ))
		m_Board[ x ][ y ] = 'X';
		m_SquareTaken[ 0 ]++;
		return 0;

	// first row second column
	if (( square == 2 ) && ( m_SquareTaken[ 1 ] == 0 ))
		m_Board[ x ][ y ] = 'X';	
		m_SquareTaken[ 1 ]++;
		return 0;
	// first row third column
	if (( square == 3 ) && ( m_SquareTaken[ 2 ] == 0 ))
		m_Board[ x ][ y ] = 'X';
		m_SquareTaken[ 2 ]++;
		return 0;
	// second row first column
	if (( square == 4 ) && ( m_SquareTaken[ 3 ] == 0 ))
		m_Board[ x ][ y ] = 'X';
		m_SquareTaken[ 3 ]++;
		return 0;
	// second row second column
	if (( square == 5 ) && ( m_SquareTaken[ 4 ] == 0 ))
		m_Board[ x ][ y ] = 'X';
		m_SquareTaken[ 4 ]++;
		return 0;
	// second row third column
	if (( square == 6 ) && ( m_SquareTaken[ 5 ] == 0 ))
		m_Board[ x ][ y ] = 'X';
		m_SquareTaken[ 5 ]++;
		return 0;
	// third row first column
	if (( square == 7 ) && ( m_SquareTaken[ 6 ] == 0 ))
		m_Board[ x ][ y ] = 'X';
		m_SquareTaken[ 6 ]++;
		return 0;
	// third row second column
	if (( square == 8 ) && ( m_SquareTaken[ 7 ] == 0 ))
		m_Board[ x ][ y ] = 'X';
		m_SquareTaken[ 7 ]++;
		return 0;
	// third row third column
	if (( square == 9 ) && ( m_SquareTaken[ 8 ] == 0 ))
		m_Board[ x ][ y ] = 'X';

		m_SquareTaken[ 8 ]++;
		return 0;

	// move is illegal
		std::cout << "\nCannot move to this location!\n";
		return 1;

	return 0;
The human move functions are almost identical to these and they are working perfectly, I do not understand why the computer move is not working.

Any help appreiciated - I know its alot to read but the program is quite large.