I have written a code which generates an xml file, now I need to send this xml file to a http server, using multipart form data in C++.
the code is
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <ostream>
#include <stdio.h>        /* for printf() and fprintf() */
#include <sys/socket.h>   /* for socket(), connect(), send(), and recv() */
#include <arpa/inet.h>    /* for sockaddr_in and inet_addr() */
#include <stdlib.h>       /* for atoi() */
#include <string.h>       /* for memset() */
#include <unistd.h>       /* for close() */
#define RCVBUFSIZE 32     /* Size of receive buffer */
#define RESPONSE_LEN    10240
#define SUCCESS_MSG     "Upload Successful"
#define FAILURE_MSG     "Upload Failure"
//Some random sequence of char's that won't appear in the file
#define BOUNDARY_STRING "---------------------------7d2b119100532" 
#define	COMPANY_NAME "Some Company";
 #define PRODUCT_NAME "Some Product";
#define  MAJOR_VERSION "123456"
#define  MINOR_VERSION "23.44";
#define  PATCH_VERSION "p1.1";
#define  RELEASE_VERSION "r1.2";

char response[RESPONSE_LEN+1];
char buffer[2048];
char buffer1[2048];

using namespace std;
static char* xml_serial="serial";
static char* xml_slot="slot";

static char* xml_system_serial="SYSSN";
static char* xml_birth_edition="edition";

static char* xml_hdd="HDD";
static char* xml_model="model";
static char* xml_firmware="firmware";

static char* xml_network="network";
static char* xml_adapter="adapter";
static char* xml_interface="interface";
static char* xml_mac="mac";

static char* xml_bios="BIOS";
static char* xml_revision="revision";
static char* xml_date="date";

static char* xml_cpu="CPU";
static char* xml_cpu_count="CPU_count";

static char* xml_public_key="public_key";

//Data static for testing needs to be replaced by functions which get the actual data for the xml file

static char* syssn_no = "5107115015";
static char* hdd_slot0 = "0";
static char* hdd_serial0= "DA40P7C003P5";
static char* hdd_model0 = "MAW3300NC";
static char* hdd_firmware0 = "0104";
static char* hdd_slot1 = "1";
static char* hdd_serial1 = "DA40P7C004MG";
static char* hdd_model1 = "MAW3300NC";
static char* hdd_firmware1 = "0104";
static char* network_adapter_slot = "1";
static char* network_interface_slot = "1";
static char* network_mac = "00:E0:81:4B:8F:FD";
static char* bios_revision = "";
static char* bios_date = "06/23/06";
static char* cpu_count = "4";
static char* cpu_slot="0";
static char* cpu_serial = "00020F120000000000000000";
char *servlP = "";

unsigned indent;
void Indent(unsigned m_indent, std::ofstream& m_output)
		for(unsigned i=0;i<m_indent;i++)
			m_output << " ";
void create_opening_tag(std::ofstream& ostrFile, string tag_name, unsigned indent=0, bool m_tag_on_seperate_line=false)
	ostrFile << "<";
	ostrFile << tag_name;
	ostrFile << ">";
	ostrFile << "\n";

void create_closing_tag(std::ofstream& ostrFile, string tag_name, bool m_tag_on_seperate_line=false, unsigned indent=0)
		  Indent(indent, ostrFile);
		ostrFile << "</";
		ostrFile << tag_name;
		ostrFile << ">";
		ostrFile << "\n";
void add_Data(std::ofstream& ostrFile, string tag_name, string tag_data, bool closing_tag=false, unsigned indent=0)
		Indent(indent, ostrFile);
	ostrFile << "<";
	ostrFile << tag_name;
	ostrFile << ">";
	ostrFile << tag_data;
		create_closing_tag(ostrFile, tag_name, true, indent=0);

void add_Attribute(std::ofstream& ostrFile, string tag_name, string attribute_name, string attribute_value, bool tag_on_seperate_line=false, unsigned indent=0)
		Indent(indent, ostrFile);
	ostrFile << "<";
	ostrFile << tag_name;
	ostrFile << " ";
	ostrFile << attribute_name;
	ostrFile << "=";
	ostrFile << "\"";
	ostrFile << attribute_value;
	ostrFile << "\"";
	ostrFile << ">";
	ostrFile << "\n";
void hdd_traveller(std::ofstream& ostrFile, string slot, string serial, string model, string firmware)
	add_Attribute(ostrFile, xml_hdd, xml_slot, hdd_slot0, false, indent);
	add_Data(ostrFile, xml_serial, hdd_serial0, true, indent+4);
	add_Data(ostrFile, xml_model,hdd_model0, true, indent+4);
	add_Data(ostrFile, xml_firmware, hdd_firmware0, true, indent+4);
	create_closing_tag(ostrFile, xml_hdd, true, indent);
void network_traveller(std::ofstream& ostrFile, string slot, string interface, string mac, string adapter)
	create_opening_tag(ostrFile, xml_network, indent=0, true);
	add_Attribute(ostrFile, xml_adapter, xml_slot, network_adapter_slot, false, indent+4);
	add_Attribute(ostrFile, xml_interface, xml_slot, network_interface_slot, false, indent+8);
	add_Data(ostrFile, xml_mac, network_mac, true, indent+12);
	create_closing_tag(ostrFile, xml_interface, false, indent+8);
	create_closing_tag(ostrFile, xml_adapter, false, indent+4);
	create_closing_tag(ostrFile, xml_network, false, indent);
void bios_traveller(std::ofstream& ostrFile, string bios, string revision, string bios_date)
	create_opening_tag(ostrFile, xml_bios, indent, true);
	add_Data(ostrFile, xml_revision, bios_revision, true, indent+4);
	add_Data(ostrFile, xml_date, bios_date, true, indent+4);
	create_closing_tag(ostrFile, xml_bios, false, indent);
void cpu_traveller(std::ofstream& ostrFile, string slot, string cpu_count, string cpu, string serial)
	add_Data(ostrFile, xml_cpu_count, cpu_count, true, indent);
	add_Attribute(ostrFile, xml_cpu, xml_slot, cpu_slot, false, indent);
	add_Data(ostrFile, xml_serial, cpu_serial, true, indent+4);
	create_closing_tag(ostrFile, xml_cpu, false, indent);
int Send_to_DB_via_HTTP(string filename)
 	int sock;                          /*  Socket descriptor */
    	struct sockaddr_in echoServAddr;   /*  server address */
    	unsigned short echoServPort;       /*  server port */
    	char *servIP;                      /*  Server IP address (dotted quad) */
	char *url;
    	char *echoString;                  /*  String to send to echo server */
    	char echoBuffer[RCVBUFSIZE];       /* Buffer for echo string */
    	unsigned int echoStringLen;        /* Length of string to echo */
    	int bytesRcvd, totalBytesRcvd;     /* Bytes read in single recv()
                                           and total bytes read */
	int                         first_form_len=0;
    	int                         second_form_len=0;
	unsigned 		    count = 0;
	char* Traveller_output_buffer;
	FILE * pFile;
	long lSize;
	size_t result;
	char* buf;
	pFile = fopen ( filename.c_str(), "rb" );
	// obtain file size:
  	fseek (pFile , 0 , SEEK_END);
  	lSize = ftell (pFile);
  	rewind (pFile);
	// allocate memory to contain the whole file:
  	Traveller_output_buffer = (char*) malloc (sizeof(char)*lSize);
  	if (Traveller_output_buffer == NULL) {fputs ("Memory error",stderr); exit (2);}
  	// copy the file into the buffer:
  	result = fread (Traveller_output_buffer,1,lSize,pFile);

	//ifstream file_to_send;
	//string readline;
	unsigned data_len;
	servIP = "";
	echoServPort = 80;
	url = "http://leisure.dyndns.org";
	data_len = sizeof(char)*lSize;
	/* Create a reliable, stream socket using TCP */
	if ((sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0)
     	 cout << " socket () failed" << endl;
	/* Construct the server address structure */
	memset(&echoServAddr, 0, sizeof(echoServAddr));         /* Zero out structure */
	echoServAddr.sin_family         = AF_INET;              /* Internet address family */
	echoServAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(servlP);       /* Server IP address */
	echoServAddr.sin_port           = htons(echoServPort); /* Server port */
	/* Establish the connection to the echo server */
	if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &echoServAddr, sizeof(echoServAddr)) < 0)
     	 cout<< "Error Connecting to " << servIP << endl;
	 cout << "Connection Successfull to " << servIP << endl;
	//Read File Data
	//while(getline(file_to_send, readline))
              // {
                 // Traveller_output_buffer += readline;
	first_form_len += snprintf(
                        sizeof(buffer1) - first_form_len,
                        "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"flat_file\"; filename=\"new.dat\"\r\n" );
	first_form_len += snprintf(
                        sizeof(buffer1) - first_form_len,
                        "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n" );
	cout << first_form_len << endl;
	//Start the form off with the boundary string
    	second_form_len += snprintf(
                        sizeof(buffer1) - (first_form_len+second_form_len),
                        "--",BOUNDARY_STRING );
	second_form_len += snprintf(
                        sizeof(buffer1) - (first_form_len+second_form_len),
                        "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"filename\"\r\n\r\n%s_auto_end\r\n",
						syssn_no );
	//End of multi-part form
    	second_form_len += snprintf(
                        sizeof(buffer1) - (first_form_len+second_form_len),
                        "--",BOUNDARY_STRING,"--" );
	cout << second_form_len << endl;
	// Put together the headers for HTTP POST
    	count = snprintf(
                       "POST %s HTTP/1.0\r\n",
                       url );
    	count += snprintf(
                        sizeof(buffer) - count,
                        "Accept-Language: en-us\r\n" );
    	count += snprintf(
                        sizeof(buffer) - count,
                        "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=%s\r\n",

    	count += snprintf(
                        sizeof(buffer) - count,
                        "User-Agent: Mozilla/3.01 (compatible;  %s-%s/%d.%d.%02d r%d)\r\n");
    	count += snprintf(
                        sizeof(buffer) - count,
                        "Host: %s\r\n",

    	count += snprintf(
                        sizeof(buffer) - count,
                        "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" );
    	count += snprintf(
                        sizeof(buffer) - count,
                        "Content-Length: %d\r\n",
                        data_len+first_form_len+second_form_len );
    	count += snprintf(
                        sizeof(buffer) - count,
                        "\r\n" );
	cout << buffer1 << endl;
	string status;
	//Send the "POST" header to the HTTP server.
	if (send(sock, buffer, count, 0) == -1) {
		//status = perror("send");
		cout << "Stats Worker: received socket error %d on header send\n" << endl;
		return -1;
		cout << "data Sent" << endl;
	//Send the first part of the form data to the HTTP server.
	if (send(sock, buffer1, first_form_len, 0) == -1) {
		//status = CK_Get_last_error();
		cout << "Stats Worker: received socket error %d on header send\n" << endl;
		return -1;
	cout << "Sending this data "<< buffer1 << endl;
    //Now send the flat file
    if (send(sock, Traveller_output_buffer, data_len, 0) == -1) {
		//status = CK_Get_last_error();
		cout << "Stats Worker: received socket error %d on message send\n" << endl;
		return -1;

	//Send the last part of the form data to the HTTP server.
	if (send(sock, buffer1+first_form_len, second_form_len, 0) == -1) {
		//status = CK_Get_last_error();
		cout << "Stats Worker: received socket error %d on header send\n" << endl;
		return -1;
		cout << "Data has been Sent Successfully" << endl;
	int n = recv(sock, buf, sizeof(buf), 0);
        while (n > 0) {
            n = recv(sock, buf, sizeof(buf), 0);
	/* Determine input length */
	/*echoStringLen = strlen(echoString) ;
	printf("Sending HTTP Request");
	/* Send GET REQUEST to the server*/
	/*if (send(sock, echoString, echoStringLen, 0) != echoStringLen)
     	 DieWithError("send() sent a different number of bytes than expected");
	 printf("Successfully sent the request");

        char buf[1000];    */  /* buffer for data from the server     */

        /* Repeatedly read data from socket and write to user's screen. */

        /*int n = recv(sock, buf, sizeof(buf), 0);
        while (n > 0) {
            n = recv(sock, buf, sizeof(buf), 0);

int main()
	//unsigned indent;
	string dataFile = "new.dat";
	//ofstream outfile (dataFile.c_str(),ios::app);
	//create_opening_tag(outfile, xml_system_serial, system_serial_number, indent+2);
	//add_Data(outfile, xml_system_serial, syssn_no, false);
	//create_closing_tag(outfile, xml_system_serial, false, indent);
	//hdd_traveller(outfile, xml_slot, xml_serial, xml_model, xml_firmware);
	//network_traveller(outfile, xml_slot, xml_interface, xml_mac, xml_adapter);
	//bios_traveller(outfile, xml_bios, xml_revision,xml_date);
	//cpu_traveller(outfile, xml_slot, xml_cpu_count, xml_cpu, xml_serial);
	//return 0;
However the file is not uploaded and I keep getting the following errors
[error] [client] Attempt to serve directory: /usr/local/username/web/
in apache2 error logs.
Appreciate if anybody can point me in the right direction.
