Hi there im currently working on a simple (simple for others not me lol) c++ object oriented game.
I have several files which im trying to build with my SciTE compiler, however im running into an error when i try to build my program.
Here is the error message which occurs in my main file called (tankmain.cpp) :

>"C:\Program Files\gccscite\bin/run" make
g++ -c -fpermissive -fconserve-space tankmain.cpp
tankmain.cpp:23: error: expected unqualified-id before "using"
make: *** [tankmain.o] Error 1
>Exit code: 2

Here are the first 25 lines of code from my tankmain.cpp

//        Author : Casey Smith
//			 ID# : 07199104
//			 Paper # : 159234
//										Description: TANK GAME

#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "world.h"
#include "tankmain.h"

using namespace std; //this is line 23 in the scite editor.. i left the top comments out.

int main (void){
Any help would be appreciated just to get me over this hump.
