
I don't have a lot of time atm, so I'll save you the usual verbose intro of how I got myself in my current predicament :P

Basically I have a header file, looks something like this

#ifndef CLASSES_H
#define CLASSES_H

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

//******* Part **************

//Abstract class of parts
class Part
		Part(int num):itsPartNumber(num){}
		virtual ~Part(){};

		int getPartNumber(){ return itsPartNumber; }
		virtual void Display() const = 0; //must be overidden

		int itsPartNumber;

//some other derived classes, ommited to save space

//********** Part Node *************

class PartNode

		void setNext(PartNode * node){ itsNext = node; }

		PartNode * getNext() const;
		Part* getPart() const;

		Part* itsPart;
		PartNode * itsNext;


I have another .cpp file which "includes" this header and simply implements the pure virtual function in the abstract class. I also have a main.cpp file which contains the driver (main) function.

When I try to compile I get the following.

error C2327: 'PartNode::Part' : is not a type name, static, or enumerator
I get it a couple of times, once for the function which returns a pointer to a Part, and the other time when I declare one of the member variables of the node class to be a pointer to a Part.

They are the only errors I'm getting.

I think I'm making some fundamental error when it comes to having classes as member variables of other classes, but I don't know what it is. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks

