Please help me figure out what I'm doing wrong.

I have a class, declared in a header file:
// std_dice.h 
// header file for standard system include files,
// project include files 

#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>

// additional headers 
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
namespace DICE {
  class SingleDie {
    int nRolled;
    void RollDie();

void fStupidFunction();
Also declared was a stupid little function, to be used in main. It replaces a larger function, for the question, that was / is going to collect some statistics about rolled dice.

Here is main.cpp, including the class definition, the main function, and the function where I can't properly use the class.

// main.cpp 
#include "std_dice.h"
using namespace std;

int main(){ 
/***************Classes here********************************/
  // set up the SingleDie class
  class SingleDie {
    int nRolled;
    // constructor
    SingleDie() {
      cout << "Constructor performed \n\n";  // for testing
      nRolled = 0;
    } // SingleDie constructor
    void RollDie() {
      nRolled = 1;
      nRolled = 10 + rand() % 60;
      nRolled /= 10;
    } // RollDie
  }; //SingleDie class

/***************Main testing here*******************************************/  
  using namespace DICE;
  SingleDie ssss;
  cout << ssss.nRolled << "  = Value of nRolled in main \n\n";
// pause after executing console application
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
return 0;

/*********************Functions Here****************************/  
  void fStupidFunction() {
    //using namespace DICE;
    DICE::SingleDie sOneDice;
    sOneDice.nRolled = 7;  // Works: member variable is public for now
    sOneDice.RollDie();    // Doesn't work!
    // If I comment out the above line, the program compiles.
    cout << sOneDice.nRolled << " In the stupid little function! \n\n";
As per the comments in the function: fStupidFunction: I can access the member variable .nRolled just fine. (I'll later fix the class so that there is a member function to set .nRolled, make it private, and make sure it never gets set to 7.)

In fact, if I comment out the line SOneDice.RollDie(); then the program compiles and runs. Therefore, I can suppose that my namespace is okay and that the class variable is declared okay--or can I? The problem comes when I try to use the member function RollDie().

RollDie() works in main but not in fStupidFunction.

It doesn't make sense to me that one cannot use a class variable in a function--only in main. I've looked in Bjarne's book (which is way above my head anyway), in C++ for Dummies (which doesn't cover the issue), and in various tutorials. If someone can help me to understand what I've done wrong and how to fix it, I would be very appreciative.
