I recently compiled a string class (not my class, I must add, the one from SAMS 21 days)

I won't regurgitate the whole thing here, as my question is only specific to a certain section of the code, I'll try to give all that's needed.

Firstly, it has the private member variables

unsigned short len
char* itsString
String( unsigned short )
it has one overloaded assignment operator, which is as follows ( I've only written the definition here )

String& String::operator =(const String & rhs)
	if( this == &rhs )
		return *this;
	delete[] itsString;
	len = rhs.getLength();
	for( unsigned short i = 0; i<len; i++ )
		itsString[i] = rhs[i];
	itsString[len] = '\0';

	return *this;
So far so good. Then in the main function it does this.

char* temp = "Hello World";
s1 = temp //s1 has already been declared as a string
Now unless I'm mistaken, the argument for the assignment operator being used in this case is a C-string literal, and not a "String" as expected by our overloaded assignment operator. So here the compiler will make it's own assignment operator correct? Either way it compiles but when I run the program the debugger pops up and tells me there is a problem, and points to the destructor, which looks like this

	delete [] itsString;
	len = 0;
For convenience, here's the message which pops up, not that it's terribly interesting.


My initial thought was that the compiler generated assignment operator for C style strings didn't assign the private member variables properly and that is why there was a problem when the destructor on it is called when the program closes.

I tried writing my own additional assignment operator, which looked something like this

String& String::operator =(const char * rhs)
	if( itsString == rhs )
		return *this;
	delete[] itsString;

	len = strlen( rhs ) + 1;
	for( unsigned short i = 0; i<len; i++ )
		itsString[i] = rhs[i];
	itsString[len] = '\0';

	return *this;
But I'm still getting problems when debugging the program (of course it could be I haven't written the second assignment operator correctly ;) )

I'm pretty sure it's got something to do with that part of the main program, since when I comment it out it works fine, but I'm just not sure what.

Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated :)

