Hello everybody,

Yup, still working on my prog I am testing now to replace words in files. However, it doesn't excactly work as I want it to. I used tellg and seekp to find the spots in txt-files, and then I wrote the word to that spot. Some1 told me that it would only work good if the words are the same length (because it'll overwrite other parts if different), so that is okay, it changes 'y' to 'n'. However, it doesn't work good! it DOES write it at the good spot, but all of the text after it is erased. So for example, take this text from a textfile:

"hello world

And I made my program so that it'll change n into y, it makes the file like this:

"hello world

And that's it... I don't want that! How can I make sure it only overwrites the amount of bits that the word is long?