hi I am completely stuck and hopefully you guys can offer some assistance. First of all im using borland c++ builder 6 and Im finding it impossible to find any good sources of help for it as it does not appear to be a very popular program for GUI c++ programming.

Anyway I have an opendialog box which works perfect when the user only selects one file. However to be more useful I enabled 'allowmultiselect' on my open dialog box so that the user can select multiple files.

Before when the user selected 1 files i could get the path and name of the files by
AnsiString LinkPath =  (OpenDialog1->FileName);
which would allow me to work on the file. However when the user selects multiple files it isnt this easy as i found out. I am completely stuck on how to even proceed to get the names of every file the user selects and would very much appreciate it if anyone could shed some light on my situation

thank you