I'm having a problem getting a program to run for class. We are using a specific list class our Professor rearranged himself. We have to use it. It is of template type with two classes imbedded such as template<class TYPE,class KTYPE>. I have enclose my main and the header file for the list class. If someone could tell me why my compiler won't build I would be forever grateful. Here is the main and header:

#include <iostream.h>
#include "list.h"

void main()
List<int,int> s;
int i;
for (i=1;i<=9;i++)

By the way, I've only named the list and tried to build it and print it with this. I narrowed it down to the bare essentials to try to figure out the error.

Here is the list class.

#include <iostream.h>

// ************************************************** ******************
// Declaration of a node
// ************************************************** ******************
template <class TYPE>
struct NODE
TYPE data;
NODE *link;

// ************************************************** *******************
// Declaration of list class
// ************************************************** *******************

template <class TYPE, class KTYPE>
class List
NODE<TYPE> *head; // pointer to the first node
NODE<TYPE> *pos; // pointer to the current node
NODE<TYPE> *rear; // pointer to the last node
int count; // the number of nodes
bool _insert(NODE<TYPE> *pPre, const TYPE &dataIn);
// insert a new node after node *pPre
void _delete(NODE<TYPE> *pPre, NODE<TYPE> *&pLoc, TYPE &dataOut);
// delete node *pLoc, dataOut = pLoc->data
bool _search(NODE<TYPE> *&pPre, NODE<TYPE> *&pLoc, const KTYPE &key);
// search for the node containing a value
// equal to key
List(void); // Constructor for creating an empty list
~List(void); // Destructor
int addNode(const TYPE &dataIn);
// insert a new node
bool removeNode(const KTYPE &key, TYPE &dataOut);
// remove the node storing key with data of
// the node returned through dataOut
bool retrieveNode(const KTYPE &key, TYPE &dataOut);
// retrieve the data at the node having key
bool getNext (int fromWhere, TYPE &dataOut);
// return the data from the next node
bool emptyList(void){ return ( count == 0 ); }
// test if the list is empty
bool fullList(void); // test to see if the list is full; that is,
// no more memory to add an additional node
int listCount(void) { return count; }
// return the number of nodes
void traverse(void); // traverse list displaying keys

// ************************************************** *****************
// The following are private member function definitions.
// ************************************************** *****************

template <class TYPE, class KTYPE>
bool List<TYPE, KTYPE>::_insert(NODE<TYPE> *pPre, const TYPE &dataIn)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: This function inserts a new node either at the beginning
// or after the node *pPre.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create a new node with pNew pointing to the object.
if (!(pNew = new NODE<TYPE>))
return false;

pNew->data = dataIn;

if (pPre == NULL) // empty list
pNew->link = head;
head = pNew;
else // non-empty list
pNew->link = pPre->link;
pPre->link = pNew;

if (pNew->link == NULL)
rear = pNew;

return true;

template <class TYPE, class KTYPE>
void List<TYPE, KTYPE>::_delete(NODE<TYPE> *pPre, NODE<TYPE> *&pLoc, TYPE &dataOut)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: This function deletes node *pLoc
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return the data value of the node to be deleted.
dataOut = pLoc->data;
if (pPre == NULL) // delete the first node
head = pLoc->link;
pPre->link = pLoc->link;

if (pLoc->link == NULL)
rear = pPre;

delete pLoc;

template <class TYPE, class KTYPE>
bool List<TYPE, KTYPE>::_search (NODE<TYPE> *&pPre, NODE<TYPE> *&pLoc, const KTYPE &key )
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Search for the existence of a node containing a value
// equal to key.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

// Initialize pointers pPre and pLoc.
pPre = NULL;
pLoc = head;
if (count == 0)
return false;
// Continue to loop until a target either matches key, the target is less
// than key, or the end of the list is encountered.
if (key > rear->data.key)
pPre = rear;
return false;

while (key > pLoc->data.key)
pPre = pLoc;
pLoc = pLoc->link;

if (key == pLoc->data.key)
return true;
return false;

// ************************************************** *****************
// The following are public member function definitions.
// ************************************************** *****************

template <class TYPE, class KTYPE>
List<TYPE, KTYPE>::List(void)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: This constructor initializes the member variables
// head, pos and count.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
head = NULL;
pos = NULL;
rear = NULL;
count = 0;

template <class TYPE, class KTYPE>
List<TYPE, KTYPE>::~List(void)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: This destructor removes all unwanted storage of nodes
// before the object of class List ceases to exist.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
NODE<TYPE> *deletePtr; // local pointer
while( head != NULL ) // Continue to delete nodes until the list is empty
deletePtr = head;
head = head->link;
delete deletePtr;
count = 0;

template <class TYPE, class KTYPE>
int List<TYPE, KTYPE>::addNode(const TYPE &dataIn)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Public function for inserting a new node.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
bool found;
bool success;

// Search the position where a new node is to be inserted.
found = _search(pPre, pLoc, dataIn.key);
if(found) // Duplicate key exist.
return (+1);

// attempt to insert a new node within the linked list.
success = _insert(pPre, dataIn);
if (!success)
return (-1);
return (0);

template <class TYPE, class KTYPE>
bool List<TYPE, KTYPE>::removeNode(const KTYPE &key, TYPE &dataOut)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Public function for removing a node from within a
// linked list with data of the node returned through
// dataOut.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
bool found;

// Search for a node containing the value of key.
found = _search(pPre, pLoc, key);

_delete(pPre, pLoc, dataOut);
return found;

template <class TYPE, class KTYPE>
bool List<TYPE, KTYPE>::retrieveNode(const KTYPE &key, TYPE &dataOut)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: This function retrieves the data at a node having key
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
bool found;

found = _search(pPre, pLoc, key);

if (found)
dataOut = pLoc->data;
return found;

template <class TYPE, class KTYPE>
bool List<TYPE, KTYPE>::getNext (int fromWhere, TYPE &dataOut)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: This public function returns the data from the next node
// in the linked list.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Test if fromWhere is at the beginning of the linked list.
if(fromWhere == 0)
if(count == 0)
return false;
pos = head;
dataOut = pos->data;
return true;
else // Continue from the current position
if(pos->link == NULL)
return false;
pos = pos->link;
dataOut = pos->data;
return true;

template <class TYPE, class KTYPE>
bool List<TYPE, KTYPE>::fullList()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Provides a test to see if the list is full; that is,
// no further memory exist to add an additional node.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

if (pNew = new NODE<TYPE>) // successful memory allocation
delete pNew;
return false;
return true;

template <class TYPE, class KTYPE>
void List<TYPE, KTYPE>::traverse(void)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Traverses the linked list displaying the value of
// the key from each node.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
NODE<TYPE> *pNext = head;

// Display the keys from each node of the linked list.
cout << pNext->data.key << " | ";
pNext = pNext->link;
cout << endl;

Thanks for any help.