Hello everybody!

I have a quick question to ask: What happens when you access outside of an array?

I was reading my programming book today and saw this.

"If you were to declare an array size of [4] but request array[5] the operation proceeds at the memory location where array[5] would be if it existed. The result is a piece of data outside the array is overwritten which can create bugs that are very hard to track down."

Does this mean it only causes a bug inside the program and doesn't do any permanent damage to my computer? Such as "Hey! Array[5] would be located right where kernel32 is! *overwrite kernel*" or "Array[5]...nope don't see it...Might as well place it where the video card driver is located..."

I made a typo in an example program and it tried to access outside of an array but it ended up just saying "Card dealer#3 has stopped working searching for solution..."

Just wondering if thats all it does or if my computer is about to explode or something.

Anyways, Thank you to anyone who takes the time to answer my question!
I really appreciate it!