Hello, i am having some trouble with Fstream. I did not study fstream but im studying now.

Since im making a 2d Engine in sdl, I'm trying to find out how the files will actually load...i have found out how...here's how i will do it.

Let's say for music.

I write to a Music.txt file.
Then, i write the number "MusicLocation"

let's say...

1 "Music.mp3"
2 "Music.mp3"

Now, fstream will read the numbers and save them into the music array, then i will make Sdl load all the musics from this array. The sdl part, im doing it myself, it's easy...but i'm really not comfortable with fstream.

If i can get any help from you, that'll be a pleasure.

I need fstream to read the number and the location. The number will save into the array.

1 "Music1.mp3" <-- This music will save into Music[1] Actually, "Music1.mp3" will save into Music[1] not the number.But the number tells Music1.mp3 where to save. I need a find function.
2 "Music2.mp3" <-- This music will save into Music[2]

Thank you.