I'm having a strange issue when reading in user inputs using getline()......

I'm asking the user for several things: name, address, city, state, etc.
The problem is, when the prompt first displays, it's skipping over the first input, i.e.:

Full Name:
Street Address: _ <---- (That being the cursor)

Here's the code, maybe can see where I went wrong, or what the problem is, thanks.

		cout << endl << "Full Name          : ";
		getline(cin, contact_name);
		cout << endl << "Street Address     : ";
		getline(cin, contact_address);
		cout << endl << "City               : ";
		getline(cin, contact_city);
		cout << endl << "State              : ";
		getline(cin, contact_state);
		cout << endl << "Zip Code           : ";
		getline(cin, contact_zip);
		cout << endl << "Phone Number       : ";
		getline(cin, contact_phone);
		cout << endl;