I am using this struct to store data from a text file
struct sItem
    short unsigned int  Number;
    sDate Date;
    std::string Name;
    std::string Memo;
    std::string MainCatagory;
    std::string SubCatagory;
    long double Amount;
    std::string Type;
the file uses tags to determine what data member each line belongs to like this : (CODE_TAG)(DATA)
Each line in the file is saved to a std::string and the tag is extracted to determine which data member the line should be saved to.
do {
    read line into std::string temp;
    extract first part of line into std::string Code_Tag;
    extract the rest of the line into std::string Data;
    using Code_Tag, determine what Data is and save it to the approperiate sItem member;
} while (NOT EOF)
I'm just not sure of the best method to do this. I could use a bunch of if...then statements like this
if (Code_Tag == "TRNTYPE") Item.Type = data;
if (Code_Tag == "NAME") Item.Name = data;
But I don't like the way that looks, and it seems like there would be too much over head with all the 'if...then' tests.

I could use a switch...case statement but VC Toolkit 2003 will not let me switch a std::string.

I have also tried enumerating the code tags like this
typedef enum CODE_TAGS
    TAG_START      = 0xff01,
    TAG_TYPE       = 0xff02,
    TAG_DATE       = 0xff03,
    TAG_AMOUNT     = 0xff04,
    TAG_NAME       = 0xff05,
    TAG_MEMO       = 0xff06,
    TAG_ITEMNUM    = 0xff07,
    TAG_END        = 0xff08
and just switching that, but then I have to convert each line from the std::string to the enum value. This seems to be just as much of a pain as the first idea.

Any thoughts / ideas on what the best way would be to go about doing this?