So since I didn't have the destructor, I decided to wrap the destruction in a static template function:

typedef uint8* (*DtorType)(uint8*);

template <class T> uint8* Dtor(uint8* pToDelete)
  T* pObj = (T*)(pToDelete - sizeof(T));
  return pObj;
and here is the templated allocation in the mempool. mpCurrent is the current pointer (uint8*) in the pool.
 template <class T> void* Allocate()
    if ((mpCurrent + sizeof(T) + sizeof(DtorType)) > (mpMemory + mSize))
      return NULL;
      uint8* pRet = mpCurrent;
      mpCurrent += sizeof(T);

      //this line is the problem
      *mpCurrent = &Dtor<T>;

      mpCurrent += sizeof(DtorType);
      return pRet;
This compiles on Apple G++ 4.0.1.
But if I try to use the new operator, I get an error:
cannot resolve overloaded function 'Dtor' based on conversion to type 'unsigned char'

And it doesn't even compile in Visual C++:
cannot convert from 'uint8 *(__cdecl *)(uint8 *)' to 'uint8'

I tried replacing uint8* with void*, but I can't perform arithmetic operations on a void* type.