hi folks,

i need a library to analyse references in scientific documents. the lib should be able to identify references in the full text (for instance [1], [2], ... or Author A (1995), ... Author B & C (1968), ...) and it should be able to identify the elements in the reference list. For instance if the reference list looks like this:

Smith, J. 1982, A new method for reference analysing, Journal of Information Technology, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 234-238.

the library/algorithm should return for instance an array/list/... like this

|surname| |initial| |year| |title| |journal| ....

Do libraries like this exist in Java, C++, C# or whatever? I could do it by myself with regular expressions but it would be a hell lot of work to consider all different reference formats. If necessary I would pay money for a ready-to-go solution.

Best regards