I have a set of log files that I need to read through line by line. I have multiple files that need to be read. Once one file is finished I need to close it and open the next and read it line by line and so on and so forth.

I should know this, but for some reason I am over looking something and have been unable to see what.

Does this work?

char line[15];

// Other code.

while (!inFile.eof())
    // Do stuff.
Within the "// Do Stuff" I read in other characters and process them. My output file is correct, except that my program never gets to the end of the first input file. Right now the program is set to end after the first input file (once I get it to work right I'll make it read other files).

Any help would be appreciated! I've been racking my brain on this for three hours now, and it's something that I should know.