Ok so, i'm currently trying to make a application that performs similar to a game of hangman.

i currently have it set up to have the leader of the game choose a word, and when he/she types it in it stores it as a variable, and also stores the length to then tell the players later.

this is what i have right now:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

int main()
 int strikes; // to tell the plyers how many wrong guesses
 int wordlength; //to tell plyers how long the word is
 char guess; //what the players will be defining to play the game
 char gameword[30]; //the designated word from the leader

 cout<<"For Game Leader:\nEnter Game Word Here:"; 
 cin.getline(gameword, 25); //leader of game enters the word of the game here
 wordlength=strlen ( gameword ); //stores the length of the word into "wordlength"
 if( wordlength>25){
     cout<<"The Word You Entered Was Too Long For This Game\n";
     cout<<"Please Try Another Word."; //checks to see if word will fit in the string allowed
 else {
     cout<<"CONGRATULATIONS! You Have Chosen A Valid Word\n";
     cout<<"Now You Are Ready To Play The Game\n\n\n"; //tells the leader he/she has chosen a valid word, and it's time to play
 cout<<"For Players:\nThe Game Word Has A Length Of "<<wordlength; //reveals the length of the game word to the players
what i have works just as i want it, but now i need to get to a point to where i can look directly to the string defined and find individual characters.

as the title says, i'm fairly new to this. i understand the logic, of most things. SO am i able to analyze the string made by the leader of the game and have, when the player types a single character as their guess to tell the player tht yes or no the letter is there, and there if the letter is there where as in:

leader chooses hangman as the gameword
player chooses a
say yes, and position 2
player chooses x
i say no
and give them 1 strike(u have certain number left)