So im trying to convert this program, to use pointers and linked list. I really have not done anything with them so im here to ask for help!

Here to read and pop the array.
    // Read names and pop
    for (i=0; i < NUMNAMES; i++)
        // input
        in_stream >> popularity >> boyName >> girlName;   
        // store all data in array
        boyNames[i] = boyName;
        girlNames[i] = girlName;   
Here is my array for search

    // Search for name in arrays
    boyPopularity = -1;
    girlPopularity = -1;
    for (i=0; i < NUMNAMES; i++)
        if (boyNames[i] == targetName)
              boyPopularity = i+1;          
        if (girlNames[i] == targetName)
              girlPopularity = i+1;
Here is my output, would i need to rewrite this completely for use with pointers and linked lists?
    // Output results if matched
    cout << targetName << " is ";
    if (boyPopularity > 0)
    cout << "ranked " << boyPopularity << " in popularity among boys.\n";
        cout << "not ranked among the top 1000 boy names.\n";
    cout << targetName << " is ";
    if (girlPopularity > 0)
        cout << "ranked " << girlPopularity << " in popularity among girls.\n";
        cout << "not ranked among the top 1000 girl names.\n";
    return 0;
So really im not sure what to do to start ive never used pointers before and would like some help converting what i have, thanks!