i'm new and just now learning from the totorial. i am trying to make a program where you are given a spanish word and you must translate it to english. (this is just me messing around for learning purposes) I'm using an if statement and if they enter the right word for the variable, the program says you're correct or wrong. It works when I use an "int" variable but i don't know how to make a word into a variable. would I use the "char" variable?

(in the following code i use an int variable so it works)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
       int dormir;
       cout<<"welome to my spanish program!\n";
       cout<<"Translate each spanish word into english. Here is the first question out of ten.\n";
       cin>> dormir;
       if (dormir == 2) { cout<<"correct!\n"; }
       else if (dormir != 2) { cout<<"incorrect...\n"; }