Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone could help me with analyzing/reading other process’ memory space. I need to view the memory space in real-time, while running the application, to be able to segregate the variables storing the application state and various strings that are displayed in UI. Then, I need to be able to locate those variables automatically and read them in real-time, whenever application is running.

For example, take Windows Media Player. I would want to be able to get variables such as: string for song currently playing, state of the player (play/pause, volume, etc.), whenever the application is running in memory. Or, as another example, a list of users currently online on MSN and their status.

Are there any applications that would ease my task (e.g. to analyze memory space first)? What programming language could this be written in? (I assume it would be C/C++, and maybe C#?) How would I go about doing all this?

Thank you very much in advance.