Thanks for everyones help my program is nearly complete now there is just one problem. It compiles and runs but does not produce the results I want.

Its suppose to tell you how many of each coins is in a specific amount of change for example if its 90 pences it should say 1 of 50, 2 of 20, 0 of 10 and 0 of 5 (pennies are not included).

Instead what is prints out is 256 of 50, 256 of 20, 256 of 10 and 256 of 5 for any amount entered.

Can anyone help me fix this... here is the code:


void Getnum1(int &num1)
	printf("Please enter a number between 5 and 95 in cents\n");
	scanf("%d%*c", &num1);

int DoCalc(int num1)
	int value = 0;

	while(num1 >= 50)
		num1 = num1 - 50;
		value = value + 1;

	while(num1 >= 20)
		num1 = num1 - 20;
		value = value + 1;

	while(num1 >= 10)
		num1 = num1 - 10;
		value = value + 1;

	while(num1 >= 5)
		num1 = num1 - 50;
		value = value + 1;

void PrintCal(int &value)
	printf("(Fifty: %d\n" ,value);
	printf("Twenty: %d\n" ,value);
	printf("Ten: %d\n" ,value);
	printf("Five: %d\n" ,value);

int main()
	int num1;
	int value;


Can anyone help me... thanks in advanced