Hi, so i found a - in my eyes - nice way to allow code like this:

AbstractShape a = new Box(..);
AbstractShape b = new Sphere(...);

the idea is to get "multimethod" behaviour by using a visitor pattern like approach:

class AbstractShape

   bool TestIntersection(AbstractShape &r_other)
        return r_other.TestIntersection_(*this);

   // By default, an exception is thrown if the method is not overridden
   virtual bool TestIntersection_(Sphere &) { throw "not implemented"; }
   virtual bool TestIntersection_(Box &)  { throw "not implemented"; }

class Box : AbstractShape

    bool TestIntersection_(Sphere &) { // call the actual intersection test function }
This solution doesn't scale perfectly but i guess its ok. (For each shape a new method must be added to AbstractShape, and for each intersection-test implementation between 2 shapes each shape class must be updated.

The nice thing is, that this solution also allows deriving from a shape. So in my case i have a class OctTreeNode which is derived from Box, and i can still use the TestIntersection method on it.

Does anyone know if there is a name for that design pattern - or does anyone know where a similar pattern was used for intersection tests? I'm sure others figured out that solution, but so far i haven't found what i was looking for.

(Mostly i found ppl who used HashMaps or switch/if blocks, or used template "hacks" (typelists))

I just need something to cite for my work.