I keep on having an error when I run this program. The error says:

Matrix Class Error: Array index out of bounds
Invalid index 79 was passed. Valid index range is >= 0 and < 79

which was for matrix P, although I declared the matrix to be 605x605. Any suggestions?

// standard include files
// custom include files
#include "matrix.hpp"

using namespace std;

// Templated helper function to square a value
template< class T >
T sq( const T& x )
    { return x*x; }

const double c = 299792458.0;   // Speed of light

// GPS range observation

struct RangeRecord
	// Data members
	unsigned prn;
	double   time;
	double   position[3];
	double   pseudorange;       // range measurement
	double   pseudorangeStdDev; // range measurement std. dev.

    bool read( istream& input );

bool readRanges( const string& filename, vector<RangeRecord>& ranges );
int no_epochs(vector<RangeRecord>& ranges);

int main(int argc, char* argv[] )
int n, u; 
int epochs=0;

//files are inputted correctly

    // -- Perform adjustment ------------------------------------------------

n = ranges.size();
u = 3 + no_epochs(ranges);

    Matrix<double> P(n, n); 

//Create weight matrix, P
create_weight(P, ranges, n);

P.print(cout, 2, 5);



void create_weight(Matrix<double>& P, vector<RangeRecord>& ranges, int n)
  for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
    for(int j=0; j<n; j++)

int no_epochs(vector<RangeRecord>& ranges)
    int number=0;
    for(int i=0; i < ranges.size(); i++)

    return number;  

// Read a range record from a file
// Returns:
//  true  - input was successful
//  false - input failed
// Parameters:
//  input - input file stream that has already been opened

bool RangeRecord::read( istream& input )
    input >> prn
          >> time
          >> position[0] >> position[1] >> position[2] 
          >> pseudorange
          >> pseudorangeStdDev;
    if( !input )
        return false;

    return true;

// Read the configuration from a file
// Returns:
//  true  - input was successful
//  false - input failed
// Parameters:
//  filename - Path of file containing ranges
//  ranges   - Array of ranges
bool readRanges( const string& filename, vector<RangeRecord>& ranges )
int size;

    ifstream input( filename.c_str() );
    if( !input )
        return false;

   input >> size;
   ranges.resize(size); //Changes size of vector to hold records

    for(int i = 0; i < size ; i++)
			return false;

return true;