I have another question regarding adding contents in the stl linked lists. For my class definition below:

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <exception>
#include <list>
using namespace std;

#ifndef __Job_List_h__
#define __Job_List_h__

#include "Receptionist.h"
#include "Technician.h"

namespace Main_Class_Diagram
	class Receptionist;
	class Technician;
	class Job_List;

namespace Main_Class_Diagram
	struct Item
		int PartNumber;
		int Quantity;
		int Cost;

	struct LabourItem
		int LabourType;
		int Cost;

namespace Main_Class_Diagram
	class Job_List
		private: Main_Class_Diagram::Receptionist* _unnamed_Receptionist_;
		private: Main_Class_Diagram::Technician* _unnamed_Technician_;

		private: list <Item> PartOrders;
				 list <LabourItem> LabourOrders;

		public: void AddItem(int PartNumber, int Quantity, int Cost);

		public: void AddLabourItem(int Labour, int Cost);

		public: void PrintInvoice();
				void NewInvoice();

Let's say that I want to implement the AddItem function:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <exception>
#include <list>
using namespace std;

#include "Job_List.h"
#include "Receptionist.h"
#include "Technician.h"

void Main_Class_Diagram::Job_List::AddItem(int PartNumber, int Quantity, int Cost) {

	PartOrders.PartNumber = PartNumber;
	PartOrders.Cost = Cost;
	PartOrders.Quantity = Quantity;
For some reason, I can't access the highlights in my IDE to the struct components properly. Does anyone know whether I'm accessing the struct components of PartOrders properly? How would I store those values into the struct contents properly?