Hi guys. This is my first post here Anyway, I'm working on a console tetris clone (I bet you get alot of people on here who do these little projects, lol), but I have ran into a touch of difficulty with one or two aspects of it. (This is my first game. I don't usually program games, hence why I'm having a few problems).

So far, I have just focused on functionality, rather than making it look nice... I will be doing that at a later stage. I have programmed it so that the w,s,a and d keys move just the one block around the 'allowed' area (obviously it wont work exactly like that when it is done, but I just wanna get something which can move about on the screen first). Below is my code atm. The problem I am having (among others), is that my block won't move Also, I'm not entirely sure how I will do the rotate part, so if anyone has any ideas, I would appreciate them. I'm programming in Dev-C++ in windows. I usually do most of my programming in Linux, but nm.

It is not as efficient as it really could be, but again, I will change that when I have something which works entirely first.

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>

#define WIDTH      50
#define HEIGHT     54

// Function Prototypes //
void game_menu();     // Menu function of the program
void game_init();     // Game init function
void game_grid();     // Function draws the tetris grid
void game_grid_clear();  // This function clears the interior of the grid
void game_previous_blocks();
void game_view_grid();
void game_keyboard(); // Take keyboard input and processing it
void game_translate(); // Performs the standard, one space down thing
void game_graphics_update();       // Update the graphics
void game_main();     // This is the main game loop function. This is where most of the work is done
void game_close();    // This function closes the application
void game_controls(); // This displays the controls for playing the game.
void game_draw_block();
int game_still_running(); // Tests if the program is still in 'run' mode

// Globally declared variables //
HANDLE hOutput;
int Option_number,i,j;
char grid[WIDTH][HEIGHT];     // This is the game array, and will record where the blocks are
char player_name;

using namespace std;

// Main Program //
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    hOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

void game_grid_clear()
     COORD Position;
     int i,j;
     for(i=0; i<WIDTH; i++)
              for(j=0; j<HEIGHT; j++)
                       Position.X = i;
                       Position.Y = j;
                       SetConsoleCursorPosition(hOutput, Position);
                       cout << " ";

void game_previous_blocks()
     // This function draws all the previously dropped blocks
     // It also gets rid of any full lines of blocks

void game_controls()
     cout << "\n\t\tControls:\n\n";
     cout << "\tUp Arrow    : Rotate piece clockwise\n";
     cout << "\tDown Arrow  : Rotate piece anticlockwise\n";
     cout << "\tLeft Arrow  : Move piece to the left\n";
     cout << "\tRight Arrow : Move piece to the right\n";
     cout << "\tDelete      : Make the piece drop quicker\n";
     cout << "\n\t";

void game_menu()
     cout << "\n\t\tTetris Clone\n\n";
     cout << "\tOptions:\n\t1. Play\n\t2. Controls\n\n\tOption Number>>";
     cin >> Option_number;
     if(Option_number == 1)
                      else if(Option_number == 2)

void game_grid()
     // Build game grid on the screen
     int i;
     COORD Position;
     for(i=0; i<HEIGHT; i++)
              Position.X = WIDTH;
              Position.Y = i;
              cout << "|";
     for(i=0; i<WIDTH; i++)
              Position.X = i;
              Position.Y = HEIGHT;
              cout << "_";

void game_init()
     // Initial locally declared variables
     char start;
     int i, j;
     COORD Position1, Position2;
     // That the player's name
     cout << "\n\t\tTetris Clone\n\n";
     cout << "Please enter the player's name>>";
     cin >> player_name;
     // Draw the game grid
     // Ask if the player is ready to begin
     Position1.X = 0;
     Position1.Y = 56;
     Position2.X = 0;
     Position2.Y = 57;
     start = 'z';
     while(start !='y')
                 for(i=0; i<WIDTH; i++)
                          Position2.X = i;
                          SetConsoleCursorPosition(hOutput, Position2);
                          cout << " ";
     SetConsoleCursorPosition(hOutput, Position1);
     cout << "Are you ready to start playing (y/n)?\n";
     cout << ">>";
     start = getch();
     // Clear the question from the window
     for(i=0; i<=WIDTH; i++)
              for(j=56; j<=59; j++)
                       Position1.X = i;
                       Position1.Y = j;
                       SetConsoleCursorPosition(hOutput, Position1);
                       cout << " ";

void game_keyboard()
     if( (i-1)>0 ) {
         switch(getch()) {
                         grid[i][j] = 0;
                         case 'a': i--; break;
                         grid[i][j] = 1;
         else if( (i+1)<WIDTH ) {
              switch(getch()) {
                              grid[i][j] = 0;
                              case 'd': i++; break;
                              grid[i][j] = 1;
              else if( (j-1)>0 ) {
                   switch(getch()) {
                                   grid[i][j] = 0;
                                   case 'w': j--; break;
                                   grid[i][j] = 1;
                   else if( (j+1)<HEIGHT ) {
                        switch(getch()) {
                                        grid[i][j] = 0;
                                        case 's': j++; break;
                                        grid[i][j] = 1;

void game_translate()

void game_graphics_update()
     for(i=0; i<WIDTH; i++)
              for(j=0; j<HEIGHT; j++)
                       if( grid[i][j] == 1) {
                           cout << (unsigned char)219;

int game_still_running()
    return 1;

void game_main()
     // The first part of this code is just the beginning count down sequence
     COORD Position;
     RUNNING = 1;
     int time;
     time = 200;    // Defines the time between frames
     Position.X = 20;
     Position.Y = 24;
     int i,j;
     for(i=3; i>=1; i--)
              SetConsoleCursorPosition(hOutput, Position);
              cout << "Starting in...\n\n\t\t\t  " << i;
     Position.X = 25;
     Position.Y = 24;
     SetConsoleCursorPosition(hOutput, Position);
     cout << "GO!";
     // Wipe the screen for the beginning of the game
     // This is where the real game programming happens
     // Initially set the grid array to be zeros. If a grid spot is filled, then
     // 1 will be entered in the array
     for(i=0; i<WIDTH; i++)
              for(j=0; j<HEIGHT; j++)
                       grid[i][j] = 0;
     // Make a block appear
     grid[24][1] = 1;
     // The main game loop
     while(RUNNING == 1)
                   // Draw the block
                   // Sleep for time
                   // Consider keyboard input
                   // Move down by one grid space
                   // Update Graphics
                   // game_view_grid();
                   // Test if still running
                   RUNNING = game_still_running();
                   if(RUNNING == 0) {

void game_draw_block()
     COORD Position;
     for(i=0; i<WIDTH; i++) {
              for(j=0; j<HEIGHT; j++) {
                       if(grid[i][j] == 1) {
                                     Position.X = i;
                                     Position.Y = j;
                                     SetConsoleCursorPosition(hOutput, Position);
                                     cout << (unsigned char)219;

void game_view_grid()

void game_close()
P.S. Some of the functions in the program are either unfinished, or used only in the development stage (e.g. game_view_grid() function). These will be deleted later.