I am trying to take input from a file and and insert them into an Array of class objects. I am having some trouble understanding this can anyone help.

The text file contains a name, price, and quantity.

Pleaes ignore the comments Ithose were just things I was playing around with.

Essentially I am trying to modify my program so that the machine doesn't have built in data; it in fact will now have data programed into it via a file...

#include <iostream>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "CashRegister.h"
#include "dispenserType.h"

using namespace std;

//void showSelection(string, int);
void showSelection();
void sellProduct(dispenserType& product, cashRegister& pCounter);

//dispenserType productlist[8];
//struct productsinfo
//	string name;
//	int noi;
//	int cost;

int main()

	ifstream inStud;
	if (!inStud)
		cout <<"**  Can't open input file Stud**"<< endl;
		return 1;

	Get_Inf(inStud, StudDB[])

	//dispenserType obj[8];

	//ifstream inF1;

	//int i = 0;

	//		inF1 >> obj[i].name;
	//		intf1 >> obj[i].numberOfItems;
	//		inf1 >> obj[i].cost;
	//	    i++; 

	cashRegister counter;
	dispenserType candy (100, 50);
	dispenserType chips (100, 65);
	dispenserType gum (75, 45);
	dispenserType cookies (100, 85); 
	int choice;
	//cout << "*** Welcome to Shelly's Candy Shop ***" << endl;
		//for (int a = 0; a < 8; a ++)
			//showSelection(obj[a].name, a);
		//cout << "Press 99 to exit" << endl;

	//cin >> choice;

	cin >> choice;
	while (choice !=9)
		switch (choice)
		case 1:
			sellProduct (candy, counter);
		case 2:
			sellProduct (chips, counter);
		case 3:
			sellProduct (gum, counter);
		case 4:
			sellProduct (cookies, counter);
			cout << "Invalid selection." << endl;
		//cout << "*** Welcome to Shelly's Candy Shop ***" << endl;
		//for (int a = 0; a < 8; a ++)
		//	showSelection(obj[a].name, a);
		//cout << "Press 99 to exit" << endl;

		//cin >> choice;

		cin >> choice;

	return 0;

//void showSelection(string whatever, int a)
//	cout << "Press", a+1, "for", whatever << endl;

void showSelection()
	cout <<"*** Welcome to Shelly's candy Shop ***" << endl;
	cout <<"To select an item, enter " << endl;
	cout <<"1 for Candy" << endl;
	cout <<"2 for Chips" << endl;
	cout <<"3 for Gum" << endl;
	cout <<"4 for Cookies" << endl;
	cout <<"9 to exit" << endl;

void sellProduct(dispenserType& product, cashRegister& pCounter)
	int amount;
	int amount2;

	if (product.getNoOfItems() > 0)
		cout << "Please deposit " << product.getCost()
			 << " cents" << endl;
		cin >> amount;

		while (amount  < product.getCost())
			cout << "Please deposit another "
				 << product.getCost() - amount
				 << " cents" << endl;
			cin >> amount2;
			amount = amount + amount2;

		if (amount >= product.getCost())
			cout << "Collect your item at the bootom and "
				 << "enjoy." << endl;
			cout << "the amount is not enough. "
				 << "enjoy." << endl;

		cout << "*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
			 << endl << endl;
