Again, I am stuck! (last part of my program, thank god) I need to read just two lines of my file of integers. I thought the following code would work, however, I am once again wrong and at a loss. Tell me WHY it doesn't work and if there is a different way I should be approaching it. Please keep in mind that I am trying to learn and a beginner.

Code: ("K:\\DATFILE1.TXT");
	if ( !inFile )
		cout<< "**Can't open input file**" <<endl;
		return 1;
	sum = 0;
	count = 0;
	numCount = 0;
	while (inFile && (count < 3))
		inFile >> num;
		sum = sum + num;

	average = sum / numCount;

	outFile  << fixed << setprecision(3)
	    	 << "The average of the first two lines of the file is " << average <<"." <<endl;
