I had a bit more free time on my hands than I anticipated, so I was able to get all the results together a bit quicker than I thought.

This is the first contest I've ever run, so this was a bit of a learning experience for me. The first thing I learned: be extremely specific in the requirements.

Here's a few fun questions: Suppose you have a two-dimensional integer array, array.
1. Do you index the array with indices x and y like array[x][y] or array[y][x]?
2. From any particular (x,y), how do you move 'north' from that position?

These are some rather important questions that I didn't answer, and every entry assumed something different. After smacking myself in the head a few times, I #ifdef'ed up the test program to account for these differences and went to testing.

So...congratulations to Cactus_Hugger! Cactus_Hugger's entry ran fast and generated some good moves. If you want to see the full results and the entries, click here.

One question: when do you want another?