Pretend this is the command prompt,
(This is what it should look like at a minimum, that is
if you dont use a config file to get your file types).

Please Enter a filename :
Please Enter the file type you wanted saved :
your input should be a file containing html
code, and your output should be a file
holding the links to the specified file type.

Im going to attach the one i wrote, it does a little more
then what im asking here and im still working on it,
i cant post the code for contest reason of course,
but i will include a readme, and an example file.
So you will be wanting to look in the file.html
after you run the program for the results.
also mine ask for a little more information because
it takes some stuff into account that i didnt ask for here,
so when it asked you for the url, you can just type junk
there it wont affect the out put of file.html for the input
here. enter file.html for the filename of course.

here is the link to the archive file