Thread: Results of March Monthly Contest

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  1. #1
    Cheesy Poofs! PJYelton's Avatar
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    Results of March Monthly Contest

    Ok everyone, I am going to post the results as well as my solutions in this thread. I'll start with the medium since noone posted code for that one, then the hard one, then tomorrow I'll post the results of the easy problem.

    Medium Problem

    Like I said when I posted this problem, I was a little torn about the difficulty of this problem. Since nobody posted code I now know it should have been listed as difficult, but once you see how this problem can be solved in only a couple of lines you'll see why I thought it might be easy.

    Solving the number of combinations can be very difficult if you try to brute force it. You could recursively try every combination of animals but you'll soon find that you'll quickly max out your time. It turns out this problem can be solved very easily using a technique called dynamic programming. I'm not gonna lecture on it so if interested I'd recommend reading up on it, but its a powerful way to solve seemingly impossible problems. Its similar to recursion in that you break the problem up into smaller and smaller parts, but you use an intuitive data storage to prevent recalculating the same results over and over again.

    Heres an example thats similar to my problem. How many different ways can you combine US coins to equal 17 cents? Again you could try every possible combination of coins but thats far too much work. Heres how to do it with dynamic programming:

    Start off with an array of zeros of size n+1 where n is your target number. In this case we are looking for 17 cents, so our array would be size 18. Now what does this array represent? At each index, its the total number of combinations to get to that point. So index 10 is the number of combinations to 10 cents, etc. What we care about is index 17 or the last index. At this point everything is zero since we haven't calculated anything yet. First thing is to set index 0 to 1 since we automatically know that theres only one combination to get zero cents, and thats no coins at all. So our array looks like this:
    1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Now you loop through the array with each coin type. Now heres the tricky part, at each spot in the array you know how many combinations it takes to get there since its the value of the index you are at. So if you are array[7] and the value is 5, then you know that there are five different combinations that get you to there. Now say you are looping through with pennies, if you know theres five ways to get where you are now, then add a penny to each of those and you know that theres five combinations to get to array[8]. If array[8] already had 3 combinations of its own, you now know theres 5+3 combinations to get to array[8]. Get the idea? So heres the basic algorithm:
    // target is value we are shooting for
    int howMany(int target)
    	int coins[5]={1,5,10,25,50}; // coin values
    	int combinations[500]={0};  // big array to keep the combos :D
    	for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
    		for (int j=0; j<target; j++)
    	return combinations[target];
    It can be optimized further but you get the idea. So after pennies our array looks like this:
    1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
    After nickels:
    1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4
    After dimes:
    1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6
    And no reason to do quarters or half dollars. So returning array[17] gives us 6 which is the correct number of combination of coins to 17 cents.

    So if you can understand this one, it should be easy to figure out how to solve my problem. Since we need to know the number of combinations of feet AND heads, we now use a two dimensional array, where array[h][f] is the number of combinations that have h heads and f feet.

    Heres my code to solve the problem (again which could be optimized further but no real need):
    // target is value we are shooting for
    int numberCombinations(int maxAnimals, int maxFeet, vector<int> animals)
       int combinations[500][500]={0}; // again lazy, could be dynamically created
       for (int i=0; i<animals.size(); i++)
          for (int curHeads=0; curHeads<=maxAnimals; curHeads++)
             for (int curFeet=0; curFeet<=maxFeet; curFeet++)
       return combinations[maxAnimals][maxFeet];
    Last edited by PJYelton; 03-24-2005 at 09:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Software Developer jverkoey's Avatar
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    Ok, that big font's really me off.

  3. #3
    Crazy Fool Perspective's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jverkoey
    Ok, that big font's really me off.


  4. #4
    Cheesy Poofs! PJYelton's Avatar
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    Sep 2002
    >>Ok, that big font's really me off.<

    Sorry, if you mean the long lines, I shortened them. If not, let me know whats wrong.

  5. #5
    customized user title!
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    Mar 2005
    It's not the line length, it's the size of the font.

  6. #6
    Cheesy Poofs! PJYelton's Avatar
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    The font size is no different than normal for me... I'll take the size tags off of the problem header and see if that helps. Let me know.

  7. #7
    customized user title!
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    Mar 2005
    It's back to a readable size, thanks.

  8. #8
    Cheesy Poofs! PJYelton's Avatar
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    Hard Problem

    I tried hard to find an elegant solution to this one but it appears that brute force is needed. The problem is that calculating every possibility for even the simple examples would easily time out, so one must still find some method for pruning the search tree. Turns out one such method exists which greatly reduces the running time.

    If someone is picking after you theres no way to narrow down the numbers to choose from and will have to test them all, but what if you are the last to choose? Do you still have to try every number? Nope. For example, if this is the graph of peoples choices so far and you are last to choose:
    the ONLY spots you need to check are:
    So your choice of moves is very limited when you or anyone else chooses last. This might not seem like it helps out a lot but lets choose an example. Say you have approximately 1000 numbers to check and you have one person after you and one person who picked before you. For each of your 1000 moves your opponant has 999 moves, to check each combo would result in 1000*999 possibilities or 999000 states to check. Now use the above trick, you'll only need to check 3 places in the last level, so for each of your 1000 moves the last player has 3 choices, resulting in only 3000 possibilites to check. 999000 vs 3000 is a HUGE difference!

    So the algorithm basically goes, recursively try every solution except on the last level where you only choose based off of the above trick. To compute the score for any move, its basically the score above + the score below your number + 1.

    For the score below, if you are the lowest number than the score is simply your number - 1. If not, then its (your number-previous number-1)/2. For the score above, if you are the highest number than its (range-your number) and if not its (next number-your number-1)/2.

    Only one person submitted code and thats Karthur. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get his code to compile in MSVC++ due to several errors which I'm assuming are compiler dependant. His method appears to compute the correct answer although many items would time out.

    So for Karthurs score I give a 9/10 with 1 point being deducted for the timeouts, plus an extra 10 snazzy points for being the only one brave enough to submit an entry for a grand total of 19 points and the contest winner for the hard solution. Congratulations! I highly encourage everyone to give this man some well deserved rep for his hard work!

    My solution and his code are attached, let me know if you have any questions, and I'll have the last problem graded and reviewed very soon.

  9. #9
    Registered User
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    And the easy problem, PJ...?

  10. #10
    Registered User Micko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJYelton
    and I'll have the last problem graded and reviewed very soon.
    And that was on 03-25-2005....
    Gotta love the "please fix this for me, but I'm not going to tell you which functions we're allowed to use" posts.
    It's like teaching people to walk by first breaking their legs - muppet teachers! - Salem

  11. #11
    Cheesy Poofs! PJYelton's Avatar
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    Sep 2002
    Sorry guys, I feel really bad considering this is a March contest and its April I took on this contest because my work wasn't giving me anything to code and I had lots of extra time, then mid march they suddenly slapped a huge project on me thats taken up all of my free time. But I am finishing with that today so tomorrow night I can guarantee I can finish this contest. Thanks for your patience!

  12. #12
    Registered User
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJYelton
    Sorry guys, I feel really bad considering this is a March contest and its April I took on this contest because my work wasn't giving me anything to code and I had lots of extra time, then mid march they suddenly slapped a huge project on me thats taken up all of my free time. But I am finishing with that today so tomorrow night I can guarantee I can finish this contest. Thanks for your patience!
    Understood. Thanks for the update.

  13. #13
    Cheesy Poofs! PJYelton's Avatar
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    All right, only a month late but the results for the easy problem are now in. This was a very tough call with three people turning in code that produced correct results every single time.

    First off, here is my solution to the problem. At first it seems like this problem will require some kind of nasty backtracing to recreate the necklace from scratch. Turns out theres a much easier solution. Since you know how many pearls the original necklace had, by simply retracing her exact steps as she plucked the gold pearls out you can easily tell where the gold pearls were. And if you know where they were, then you know all the rest must be white and viola you have your necklace. So simply start with a necklace consisting of (numWhite+numGold) pearls, keep counting to k and mark that pearl as gold. Continue around and around the necklace until there are no more gold pearls left making sure NOT to count pearls you've already marked since they are no longer on the string, and when done, mark the rest as white. Or even easier, make the entire necklace white to begin with and just change the marked ones to gold. Here is my code:
    string neck(int numWhite, int numGold, int k)
    	string s(numWhite+numGold, 'w'); // string is now all white
    	int p=-1;  // placeholder value, where we are in the necklace
    	int c=0;   //  our counter
    	int x=0;   //  number of golds we have placed so far
    	while (x<numGold)   // while we still have golds left
    		p++;   // increment placeholder
    		p%=(numGold+numWhite);   // circle to beginning
    		if (s[p]=='g')  // DON'T count this pearl if its gold
    		c++;   // increase our count
    		if (c==k)  // if we've reached k, mark this pearl as gold
    			c=0;   // reset count
    	return s;
    Everyone's code and my score are to follow in a couple of seconds.

  14. #14
    Cheesy Poofs! PJYelton's Avatar
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    Here is Micko's code:
    class Micko  
    		w = 0,
    	struct element
    		int num;
    		unsigned int check :1;
          string originalNecklace(int, int, int);
    	  int find_first(element*, int, int);
    string Micko::originalNecklace(int W, int G, int K)
    	int i;
    	element* e = new element[W + G];
    	for (i = 0; i < W; i++)
    		e[i].num = w;
    		e[i].check = 0; 
    	for (i = W; i < W + G; i++)
    		e[i].num = g;
    		e[i].check = 0; 
    	/* Now initialization is finished*/
    	/* Now starting hard work*/
    	int start = 0;
    	int end;
    	int end_loop = 0;
    	while (end_loop != G)
    		i = start;
    		end = start + K;
    		while(i < end)
    			if (i == W + G)
    				i %= (W + G);
    				end -= (W + G);
    			if (e[i].check == 1)
    		start = i;
    		if ((e[i].num == g) && (e[i].check == 0))
    			e[i].check = 1;
    		int index = find_first(e, i + 1, W + G -1);
    		swap(e[i].num, e[index].num);
    		e[i].check = 1;
    	string s;
    	for (i = 0; i < W + G; i++)
    		if(e[i].num == g)
    			s += "g";
    			s +="w";
    	delete [] e;
    	return s;
    int Micko::find_first(Micko::element* e, int l, int r)
    	for (int m = l; m <= r; m++)
    		if ((e[m].num == g) && (e[m].check == 0))
    			return m;
    	return 0;
    Excellent job as this produces the correct result for every test case I tried. I admit it took awhile to understand the logic behind how it works but essentially it does more or less exactly what my code does just in a different manner. It starts with a full string of white and gold pearls, and as it loops through it swaps the first 'k' white pearl with the first unmoved gold pearl.

    My score: 10 points for correct answers + 1 snazzy point for solving in a unique way for a grand total of 11 points.

  15. #15
    Cheesy Poofs! PJYelton's Avatar
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    Sep 2002
    Here are both Lithorian's and JaWiB's code, included together since they essentially used the exact same algorithm.

    class JaWiB
            std::string originalNecklace(int numwhite, int numgold, int k)
              int total=numwhite+numgold;
              std::string ret;
              ret.reserve(total); //reserve space for string
              ret.assign(total,'w'); //fill string with w's
              int h=1; //used to see if gold pearl needs to be added
              for (int i=0,j=0;i<numgold;h++)
                if (ret[j]=='g') //hit a gold pearl
                  if (++j==total) //skip this pearl
                if(h%k) //add a gold every k times; this is not a k time...
                  ++i; //increment gold pearl counter
                if (++j==total) //move on to next pearl, is it highest index?
                 j=0; //if so, go back to first pearl
              return ret;   
    class Lithorien
    		std::string originalNecklace(int numWhite, int numGold, int k)
    			char *tArry = new char[numWhite + numGold]; // Dynamically allocate the char array.
    			// Initalize every array element to NULL.
    			for (int q = 0; q <= (numWhite + numGold); q++)
    				tArry[q] = '\0';
    			// Algorithm.
    			int x = 1, z = 0; // Counter for the inner for() loop, 'g' counter.
    			if (numGold > 0)
    				while (z < numGold) // While there aren't enough 'g's..
    					for (int y = 0; y < (numWhite + numGold); y++) // Go through the array..
    						if ((x == k) && (tArry[y] != 'g') && (z < numGold)) // If x is the next k, and the array ISN'T on a 'g' already..
    							tArry[y] = 'g'; // Make the array element g.
    							x = 1; // Make our 'counter' move back to 1.
    							z++; // Increment our 'g' counter.
    						else if (tArry[y] != 'g') // Assume w if not on a 'g' currently.
    							tArry[y] = 'w';
    							x++; // Increment our x.
    						// If the counter is on a g already, there's no need to do anything. So we skip it, and we don't update x. This lets us keep a constant 'k' without having to shift arrays.
    			else // If all whites are inputted, we need to handle that. Otherwise the program'd hang.
    				for (int r = 0; r < numWhite; r++)
    					tArry[r] = 'w';
    			// Return a string.
    			std::string s(tArry); // Make our string the char array. This is why we initalized to NULL - It ensures that this string will be null terminated. If we didn't, originalNecklace(9, 13, 11) would output garbage characters.
    Both produced correct results for every test case and more or less used the same algorithm I described above with only minor modifications. Both I give 10 points for correct solution, and + 2 snazzy points for nice concise algorithm. This was a tough call, but if we need a winner I'll award an extra .5 points to JaWib since his algorithm automatically handles the special case where there are no gold pearls.

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