After an intense battle with the email-change portion of the forum, OUR HERO is once again able to post! And so, here it is, the second attempt:

In the past, I got the idea to use that horizontal line for the top edge of a maze which would be generated randomly, and fit in my .sig. I was going to just do it on my own, but thought it would be a fun contest idea. Since the forum doesn't work the way I'd like that isn't an option. So after mulling it over a while, I've decided upon the following alternate contests:

CONTEST ONE: Here's looking at you, kid!
The first of the two contests is purely aesthetic. This contest is to write a program which will generate output, which when pasted into the sig will create the best looking maze.

The sig allows for a total of 500 characters to work with. This includes whitespace and newlines. I will compile and run your entry a few times, testing the output each time. The output of your program will be copied and pasted into my sig edit window, and saved or previewed. Points will be given for each time I run it, based on how good it looks.

You do not have to use all 500 characters, it can be less. However, if your output is more than 500 characters, it won't fit, and as such, you won't get points for that run.

Any forum tags which the sig will parse are allowed, with one exception. (I haven't tried this, but this is disallowed: You cannot use the IMG tag. I had the wicked idea to write a program to generate an image and then use the IMG tag to include it. ) All other tags, B, I, FONT, PHP, COLOR, etc, are ok to use. Again, the only restriction is that it must be purely text based output, which fits in 500 characters or less.

The only thing that matters here is that your sig look good and fit in 500 characters. The source code does not have to fit in the 500 characters, only its output.

You may have noticed my sig off and on for a while. Well, this is that contest. The goal of this contest is to write a maze generator whose source code will fit in the 500 characters allowed by the sig.

The output of the program doesn't have to fit in 500 characters. It can, but it doesn't have to. The source code has to fit in 500 characters. The winner of this contest will be the source code which fills the following requirements:

1) The source code must fit in 500 characters or less.
a) If more than one entry fits in 500 characters, which ever entry takes up less space will win.
b) If no entries fit in 500 characters, which ever is closest to 500 characters will win.
2) The output must be random. The entry will be run multiple times, and the output will be observed. The output must be different, ie, no static mazes.

Currently, the output of my entry looks like so (random of course):
# #     # # #       # #         #           #
# ##### # # ### ### # ######### # ###########
# # #     # # # # # # # #         # #   #   #
# # ##### # # ### # # # ### ### # # # ### ###
# #   #       # #   # #   # #   #     #     #
# # ######### # ### # ### ####### ##### # ###
#     #   #           #     # #       # # # #
### ##### ########### ### ### ### ##### ### #
#   #   #       # #       #   # # #       # #
# ### ######### # ### ### ### # # # # # # # #
# #   # # #     # # # #   #         # # #   #
# ### # # ##### # # ### ######### ######### #
#               # # #     #     #     # # # #
# ### # # # ### # # ### ####### # # # # # ###
# #   # # # #                     # #       #
# ##### # # ### ### ### ############### #####
#   #   # # # # #   #           #   #       #
# # ### ##### # # # ### ####### # ##### # ###
# # #       #   # # #         #     #   #   #
# ##### ############# # ####### # # ### ### #
#   #     #           #       # # # #     # #
Your does not have to look like mine. It doesn't have to be the same size. It doesn't have to use hash marks. It just has to draw a clearly readable ASCII maze.

3) The maze must be resizeable. In other words, you can't hard code the size of your maze. The maze must be easily resizable. Currently, my code has the following:
#define Y 11
#define X 22
You do not have to use defines. You can use const or some other method, but it has to be easy for me to change the size of the maze. If you want to include instructions on exactly what to edit to change the size of your maze, do so, but keep in mind, if it's a complex change, I won't bother doing it, and you won't get points for resizeability.

I will be working on this entry myself, because it's something I've been amusing myself with for a while now. If you think I've got an unfair advantage, well maybe, but it's my contest.

No, seriously, if you're wondering, you can look at the general idea behind what I've been doing over here. Now this was before I thought up the rules for the contest, so you'll notice I'd be losing with this entry for, among size issues, hard coding my size values. But that is somewhat close to what I have now. (Actually not any more, but still somewhat close.)

I will be updating my sig until the contest ends with my current byte count, so you can have a gague as to how close you are to my entry. Currently at the time of creating this contest, I'm over 250 bytes too large with my current entry. Unless I think up something fairly nifty, I don't see it shrinking much more than it is now.

Info for both contests:
1) The contest deadline is the end of the month. If you're in another time zone, don't worry too much, it's not a make-or-break deadline. Just get it to me via email as close to the end of the month as you can.

If for some reason you can't send it via email, post it as an attachment to a post in this thread. Naturally you'll want to wait until as close to the end of the month as you can, otherwise someone may copy your entry.

2) Code: Entries can be either C or C++. I will be compiling the entries with GCC or G++. Your code should compile error and warning free, with the following flags:

-Wall -pedantic

I will make minor attempts to get your code to compile, but I won't be breaking my back to do so. If you write portable code, you shouldn't have any problems with this. Any warnings will subtract from your score. Any errors will naturally prevent your code from compiling, and as such, you won't win.

Like I said, I'll try to get it to compile, but I'm not going to jump through fire to do so. If you don't use GCC/G++, just make sure your code uses only standard functions and includes, and you shouldn't have any problems.

3) I will accept one .c or .cpp file, a .zip file, or .tgz file as your entry. Nothing else. You should in most cases easily be able to fit this in a single .c or .cpp file. If you're using classes, I suppose a header or two will be allowed. However, if you're entering Contest Two, I will be counting the size of all source code files you send me as your entry.

Don't bother sending me a project file from MSVC++ or what not, because I won't be using them. It should be able to be compiled simply from a command line, or I won't bother with it. Again, if you're using standard includes and functions, you should have no problems meeting this requirement.

If you have any other questions or what not, post in this thread and we'll work out any issues.

Have fun, and good luck.
