Speed - 5/5
He completed the program in little over 30 minutes, no one else was even close thos this mark.
Fidelity - 4/5
Although a very good entry, this program is not without bugs:
Any tags with numeric characters (eg. <h1> <h2>) are all counted as one tag. He used isalpha() to parse the tag name from parameters.
Uppercase tags and lowercase tags are counted as two different types of tags.
Instead of outputting total number of tags, the program outputs total number of different tags.
Portability - 3/3
Code compiled on mingw without errors or warnings, on CodeWarrior without errors or warnings (or so I hear) and on MSVC++ 6 with 92 warnings. (The warnings were due to a compiler bug)
Total: 12/13

Speed - 4/5
Entry was submitted about an hour after the contest started
Fidelity - 4.5/5
Doesn't output total number of tags
Similar to Sang-Drax's submission, the program differentiates between upper and lower case tags.
Portability - 3/3
Compiled on mingw with no errors and no warnings, compiled on MSVC++ 6 with 103 warnings (Again, bugs)
Total: 11.5/13

Speed - 3/5
Entry was submitted sometime that night... I can't remember when. Lets just say very late.
Fidelity - 2.5/5
The program doesn't print Document Title, Filename or Filesize. Output is cluttered with predefined tags (mostly marked with a count of 0). Two things this program did which others didn't is correctly print total number of tags, and count uppercase/lowercase tags as the same tag.
Doesn't output tags which are not predefined in the source code.
Portability - 1/3
Windows specific functions are used (SetConsoleTitle), as well as non-standard functions like getch() and depricated headers are included in the source (vector.h)
I had to modify the source quite a bit (considering its size) to get it to compile on mingw.
Total: 6.5/13

Speed - 3.5/5
Entry was submitted an hour and a half after the contest commenced.
Fidelity - 1/5
Has very few predefined tags in the source code. Works on a system of predefined tags. Doesn't print to stdout.
Doesn't print filename
Doesn't print document title
Doesn't print total number of tags
Doesn't print filesize
Portability - 2/3
Uses conio.h and getch(). Other than that, compiles fine on mingw and MSVC++ 6
Total: 5.5/13
Congratulations Sang-Drax, you win. Entries are attached.