Contest theme: Text Compression
Directions: Write a C/C++ program that takes a piece of text data and compresses it in a method of your choice. This method should be original, or at least be an original twist on another idea.
Elegance -- Make your code look nice and readable for the judges. Comments are nice.
Efficiency -- Use as little memory and CPU cycles as possible. Choose an efficient algorithm.
Portability -- Make your program confirm to ANSI-C standards as much as possible. Text compression should not require you to exceed these limits.
Specialized Criteria:
Creativity -- This counts double (10 pts). Keep your algorithm creative, without sacrificing ability. Don\'t oversimplify or overcomplicate.
Compression ratio -- Is the program a good compressor? How often does it return uncompressed data; or worse, expanded data?
Interface -- No fancy interface is required or expected. Make your interface newbie-proof and functional so that it's obvious how to use it.
Time limit: a week and a half. This contest ends midnight, October 3.

Contestants: 5 slots left
The Dog

Judges: filled

You can send your entry to [email protected] , [email protected] , or you can upload it at .

Any questions?

Remember: above all, make sure your program works.