Theme:Nibbles Clone
Directions:Write a clone of Nibbles. For more information on Nibbles check online or better yet, play it yourself.
efficiency -- use computer resources efficiently
elegance -- make your code neat and understandable
portability -- how many computers can your code compile across?
Special Criteria:
Interface -- your game must use a keyboard interface. No mouse, no joystick (although points will not be deducted off for that kind of support).
Features -- what extras can your game handle? (ie: saving game, high scores, etc...)
Graphics efficiency -- How well-written are the algorithms and/or methods for using the graphics?
Graphics library -- Is the graphics library used effectively?
Graphics portability -- Did they go for the always portable text-mode graphic interface, or did they use Windows' DirectX?
Overall graphical choice -- Was it suited for this type of program?
Graphic Creativity -- how much effort was put into making the art for the game?

Note: the graphics special criteria are 3 points apiece, not 5 like the other criteria.
Time limit: you have 10 days to do this. It ends on August 23, midnight, EST.

Signed up Contestants: 6 slots left

Signed up Judges: 1 slot left

Any questions?

Remember, above all, make sure your program works.