Hey, this is my first post, sorry if my format is off. Also, this is my first C program I've written EVER; I apologize if my code sucks as well. Here goes:

I have to basically duplicate the functionality of the head command, as the command 'myhead'. This means its usage is: myhead [-nN] [FILE]. If no FILE is specified, the command must read from standard input. If no option [-nN] is specifies, the command prints the default first ten lines. For example, myhead -n5 would print back the first 5 lines of code from standard in, myhead text.txt would print the first 10 lines of that file, and so on (just as the normal 'head' command would.

1.My problem lies mostly within the portions where you have to read from standard input; for some reason, it only loops through once, rather than the standard 10 or the specified number of times from the option -nN.

2. My second problem is when I specify a file name, the loop goes through the correct number of times, but instead of printing out the first ten lines, it prints out the first line ten times.

My code is posted below, if anyone can offer a suggestion or help with the code, please let me know, it would be greatly appreciated. Remember, I am extremely new to C, so please go easy on me and explain things so an idiot could understand them Thank you so much in advance.
// Will either print the first ten lines of a file or of standatd input,
// or print the first N lines of a file or standard input.
// Compile using:
//   gcc -Wall -o myhead myhead.c
// Call as:
//   myhead [-nN] [FILE]

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>


char *get_next_line(FILE *fpntr);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

// static char buff[100];
FILE *fpntr;
char *line;
// char *next_line;
int i;
char *file_pathname;

//Check for proper number of arguments
if(argc > 4)
    {fprintf(stderr, "Usage: myhead [-nN] [FILE]\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;}


//If there is only one argument, print first ten lines of standard in
if(argc == 1){
    for(i=0; i<10; i++){
        if((line = get_next_line(stdin)) == NULL){
                perror("Error reading line");
        else{printf("%c\n", *line);

//If there are two arguments, compare if the first two characters are equal to '-n', if so print the first N lines of standard in
//If not, print the first ten lines of the FILE (argv[1])
if(argc == 2){
    if(strncmp(argv[1], "-n", 2) == 0){  //print N lines from stdin
        int cnt = atoi(argv[1]+2);
        for(i=0; i<cnt; i++){
             if((line = get_next_line(stdin)) == NULL){
                perror("Error reading line");
            else{printf("%c\n", *line);
    else{                               // print 10 lines from file
        file_pathname = argv[1];
        for(i=0; i<10; i++){
            if((fpntr = fopen(file_pathname, "r")) == NULL){
                fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s: %s/n", file_pathname, strerror(errno));
                return EXIT_FAILURE;}
                if((line = get_next_line(fpntr)) == NULL) {
                    perror("Error reading line");
                    printf("%s: \n", line);
    //print first ten lines of FILE


//If there are three arguments and the second argument is three characters, store third character as int 'line' and print the first 'line' lines of the file(argv[3])
if(argc == 3){
    file_pathname = argv[2];
    int cnt = atoi(argv[1]+2);
    for(i=0; i<cnt; i++){
                    if((fpntr = fopen(file_pathname, "r")) == NULL){
                fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s: %s/n", file_pathname, strerror(errno));
                return EXIT_FAILURE;}
                if((line = get_next_line(fpntr)) == NULL) {
                    perror("Error reading line");
                    printf("%s: \n", line);

    //get third character and store as int line
    //print first line lines of stdin


if(argc == 2){
    if ((fpntr = fopen(argv[2], "r" == NULL)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error opening file %s: %s\n", argv[0], file_pathname, strerror (errno));
    return EXIT_FAILURE;}
        while (next_line = get_next_line(fprntr)) != NULL)


char *get_next_line(FILE *fpntr){
    static char line_buff[MAX_LINE_LENGTH+1];
    int buff_pos, next_char;

    buff_pos = 0;
    while ((next_char = fgetc(fpntr)) != '\n' && next_char != EOF)
        line_buff[buff_pos++] = next_char;

line_buff[buff_pos] = '\0';

if (next_char == EOF && (buff_pos == 0 || ferror(fpntr)))
    return NULL;
    return line_buff;