I have been trying to build a calculator, and i got to a point where i have 2 arrays: char array that contains the math operation signs and a int array for the numbers. And I need to do the calculation.
for example, the 2 arrays are:

int Nums[]={12, 8, 7, 3};
char Signs[]={+, /, (, -, );
so it is supposed to get this:
which is 5.

the terms are:
- the program should know what comes after what.(because there is only 1 possible option at a time).
- there are only 6 signs: +, -, /, *, (, ).
- If the user doesnt provide brackets around divide or multiple operation (or any other operation) the program should calculate from left to right, and not in order of arithmetic operations.
- The user should be able to insert brackets into other ones, or in the begining.

I have already wrote the code for the 4 arithmetic operations, but when the brackets came in i got lost. I think i can think of something to suite them, but it's really long and inefficient code.
Can someone give me an idea how to do this?

Thanks in advance.