#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>

void start_box(void);
void show_box(void);
unsigned int get_random_exponent(void);
char who_first(void);
int play_again(void);
char player_first(void);
char computer_first(void);
void player_move(void);
void player_side(void);
void computer_move(void);
void computer_think_move(void);
char check(void);

char box[3][3], inputChar[10];
int exponent[9], n_integer[9],  m_integer[9], sum[9], score[2] = {0, 0};
char winner, answer;
int i, j, a, b, input, again;

int main(void)
    int y;
    again = 'y';

         printf("\n\nlet's play tic-tac-toe\n\n");
         for (i=0 ; i<9 ; i++)   
             n_integer[i] = (int) pow(2, exponent[i]);
         for(i=0 ; i<9 ; i++)
            exponent[i] = 0;
         for (i=0 ; i<9 ; i++) 
             m_integer[i] = (int) pow(2, exponent[i]);
         for (i=0 ; i<9 ; i++)
             sum[i] = n_integer[i] + m_integer[i];
         answer = who_first();
         if (answer=='r'||answer=='R')
         {  score[0] = 0;
            score[1] = 0;
         else if (answer=='d'||answer=='D')        main();
         else if (answer=='y'||answer=='Y')        player_first();
         else if (answer=='n'||answer=='N')        computer_first();
         {   printf("\ni guess that's a no.\n\n");
             printf("%d", answer);
         if (winner=='O') 
            {   score[1]++;
                printf("\nTHANK YOU LOSER.\n"); }
         else if (winner=='X')
              { score[0]++;
                printf("\nYOU WIN!\n");
         else if (winner=='/')
              {  show_box();
                printf("\ndraw. main\n");       }
         again = play_again();
    do   {
    }    while (again=='y'||again=='Y'||again=='d'||again=='D');
    do   {
         score[0] = 0;
         score[1] = 0;
    }    while (again=='r'||again=='R');


void start_box(void)
      for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
          for(j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
                  box[i][j] = ' ';
void show_box(void)

    printf("\nyour score:%d\tcomputer's score:%d\n\n\n", score[0], score[1]); 
    printf("\t#       #       #       #\n"); 
    printf("\t#   %c   #   %c   #   %c   #\n", box[0][0], box[0][1], box[0][2]);
    printf("\t#       #       #       #\n");
    printf("\t#       #       #       #\tyou = X\n");
    printf("\t#   %c   #   %c   #   %c   #\n", box[1][0], box[1][1], box[1][2]);
    printf("\t#       #       #       #\tcomputer = O\n");
    printf("\t#       #       #       #\n");
    printf("\t#   %c   #   %c   #   %c   #\n", box[2][0], box[2][1], box[2][2]);
    printf("\t#       #       #       #\n");
    printf("x , y\n");
    printf("1 , 1 = %d + %d\n", n_integer[0],m_integer[0]);
    printf("1 , 2 = %d + %d\n", n_integer[1],m_integer[1]);
    printf("1 , 3 = %d + %d\n", n_integer[2],m_integer[2]);
    printf("2 , 1 = %d + %d\n", n_integer[3],m_integer[3]);
    printf("2 , 2 = %d + %d\n", n_integer[4],m_integer[4]);
    printf("2 , 3 = %d + %d\n", n_integer[5],m_integer[5]);
    printf("3 , 1 = %d + %d\n", n_integer[6],m_integer[6]);
    printf("3 , 2 = %d + %d\n", n_integer[7],m_integer[7]);
    printf("3 , 3 = %d + %d\n", n_integer[8],m_integer[8]);
    for (i=0 ; i<9 ; i++)
            printf("%d\n", sum[i]);

unsigned int get_random_exponent(void)
    int a, b, i;      

    exponent[0] = rand() % 9;
    for (i=1 ; i<9 ; i++)
    {   a = rand() % 9;
         for (b=0 ; b<i ; b++)
        {   if (a == exponent[b])
            {  do 
                {    a = rand() % 9;
                     for (b=0 ; b<i ; b++)
                     {   if (a == exponent[b])
                         {  do 
                            {  a = rand() % 9;
                               for (b=0 ; b<i ; b++)
                                {   if (a == exponent[b])
                                   {  do 
                                        {  a = rand() % 9;
                                           for (b=0 ; b<i ; b++)
                                           {   if (a == exponent[b])
                                               {  do 
                                                  {  a = rand() % 9;
                                                     for (b=0 ; b<i ; b++)
                                                     {   if (a == exponent[b])
                                                         {  do 
                                                            {  a = rand() % 9;
                                                               for (b=0 ; b<i ; b++)
                                                               {   if (a == exponent[b])
                                                                   {  do 
                                                                      {  a = rand() % 9;
                                                                         for (b=0 ; b<i ; b++)
                                                                         {   if (a == exponent[b])
                                                                             {  do 
                                                                                {  a = rand() % 9;
                                                                                   for (b=0 ; b<i ; b++)
                                                                                   {   if (a == exponent[b])
                                                                                       {  do 
                                                                                          {  a = rand() % 9;
                                                                                             for (b=0 ; b<i ; b++)
                                                                                             {   if (a == exponent[b])
                                                                                                 {  do 
                                                                                                    {  a = rand() % 9;
                                                                                                       for (b=0 ; b<i ; b++)
                                                                                                       {   if (a == exponent[b])
                                                                                                           {  do 
                                                                                                              {  a = rand() % 9;
                                                                                                                 for (b=0 ; b<i ; b++)
                                                                                                                 {   if (a == exponent[b])
                                                                                                                     {  do 
                                                                                                                        {  a = rand() % 9;
                                                                                                                        } while (a == exponent[b]);
                                                                                                              } while (a == exponent[b]);
                                                                                                    } while (a == exponent[b]);
                                                                                          } while (a == exponent[b]);
                                                                                } while (a == exponent[b]);
                                                                      } while (a == exponent[b]);
                                                            } while (a == exponent[b]);
                                                  } while (a == exponent[b]);
                                        } while (a == exponent[b]);
                            } while (a == exponent[b]);
                } while (a == exponent[b]);
        exponent[i] = a;

char who_first(void)
     printf("\nplay first (y/n)? ");
     scanf("%c", &answer);
     if (answer=='q'||answer=='Q')        exit(0);
     return answer;

int play_again(void)
     printf("\nplay again (y/n)? ");
     scanf("%c", &again);
     if (again=='q'||again=='Q')        exit(0);
     return again;

char player_first(void)
	winner = ' ';
	do {
       player_move();  //player 1
       winner = check();
       if (winner != ' ')	return winner;
       computer_think_move();      //comp 2
       winner = check();
	} while (winner == ' ');
	return winner;

char computer_first(void)
     winner = ' ';
     computer_move();       //comp 1
     if (input==sum[1]||input==sum[3]||input==sum[5]||input==sum[7])
        if (input==sum[1])  
        { i  = rand() % 3;
          do  {
              i = rand() % 3;
          }   while (i==1);
          box[0][i] = 'O';	//comp 2
        else if (input==sum[7])
        {  i = rand() % 3;
           do  {
               i = rand() % 3;
           }   while (i==1);
           box[2][i] = 'O';
        else if (input==sum[3])
        {  i = rand() % 3;
           do  {
               i = rand() % 3;
           }   while (i==1);
           box[i][0] = 'O';
        {  i = rand() % 3;
           do  {
               i = rand() % 3;
           }   while (i==1);
           box[i][2] = 'O';
        player_move();     //player 2
        player_side();	//computer move 3
        player_move();	//player 3
     do  {
         winner = check();
         if (winner != ' ') return winner;
         winner = check();
     } while (winner == ' ');
     return winner;

void player_move(void)
{   int r = 114, R = 82, d = 100, D = 68, q = 113 , Q = 81;
    printf("input the sum of the integers assigned in the square you want to take: ");
    scanf("%d", &input);
    if (input==sum[0] && box[0][0]==' ')  
       {  box[0][0] = 'X';
          return;     }
    else if (input==sum[1] && box[0][1]==' ')
         {      box[0][1] = 'X';
                return;   }
    else if (input==sum[2] && box[0][2]==' ')
         {      box[0][2] = 'X';
                return;   }
    else if (input==sum[3] && box[1][0]==' ')
         {      box[1][0] = 'X';
                return;    }
    else if (input==sum[4] && box[1][1]==' ')
         {      box[1][1] = 'X';
                return;   }
    else if (input==sum[5] && box[1][2]==' ')
         {      box[1][2] = 'X';
                return;   }
    else if (input==sum[6] && box[2][0]==' ')
         {      box[2][0] = 'X';
                return;   }
    else if (input==sum[7] && box[2][1]==' ')
         {      box[2][1] = 'X';
                return;   }
    else if (input==sum[8] && box[2][2]==' ')
         {      box[2][2] = 'X';      
                return;   }
    {   printf("wrong input, try again.\n");
    if (input==r|input==R)
         {  score[0] = 0;
            score[1] = 0;
    if (input==D||input==d)        main();
    if (input==Q||input==q)        exit(0);  

void player_side(void)
	if (box[0][0]=='O' && box[0][1]=='X' && box[2][0]==' ')		box[2][0] = 'O';
	else if (box[0][0]=='O' && box[1][0]=='X' && box[0][2]==' ')   box[0][2] = 'O';	
	else if (box[0][2]=='O' && box[0][1]=='X' && box[2][2]==' ')   box[2][2] = 'O';
	else if (box[0][2]=='O' && box[1][2]=='X' && box[0][0]==' ')   box[0][0] = 'O';
	else if (box[2][0]=='O' && box[2][1]=='X' && box[0][0]==' ')   box[0][0] = 'O';
	else if (box[2][0]=='O' && box[1][0]=='X' && box[2][2]==' ')   box[2][2] = 'O';
	else if (box[2][2]=='O' && box[2][1]=='X' && box[0][2]==' ')   box[0][2] = 'O';
	else if (box[2][2]=='O' && box[1][2]=='X' && box[2][0]==' ')   box[2][0] = 'O';
	else computer_think_move();

void computer_think_move(void)
     for (i=0; i<3 ; i++)
     {   if (box[i][0]==box[i][1] && box[i][2]==' ' && box[i][0]=='O')
     	    {	box[i][2] = 'O';
     	        return;   }
         else if (box[i][0]==box[i][2] && box[i][1]==' ' && box[i][0]=='O')
              {	box[i][1] = 'O';
                return;   }
         else if (box[i][1]==box[i][2] && box[i][0]==' ' && box[i][1]=='O')	
	          {	box[i][0] = 'O';
	            return;   }
         else if (box[0][i]==box[1][i] && box[2][i]==' ' && box[0][i]=='O')
	          {	box[2][i] = 'O';
	            return;   }
         else if (box[1][i]==box[2][i] && box[0][i]==' ' && box[1][i]=='O')	
	          {	box[0][i] = 'O';
	            return;   }
         else if (box[0][i]==box[2][i] && box[1][i]==' ' && box[0][i]=='O')	
	          {	box[1][i] = 'O';
	            return;   }
     if (box[0][0]==box[1][1] && box[2][2]==' ' && box[0][0]=='O')	
        {        box[2][2] = 'O'; 
                 return;   }
     if (box[1][1]==box[2][2] && box[0][0]==' ' && box[1][1]=='O')	
        {   box[0][0] = 'O';
            return;   }
     if (box[0][2]==box[1][1] && box[2][0]==' ' && box[0][2]=='O')	 
        {   box[2][0] = 'O';   
            return;   }
     if (box[1][1]==box[2][0] && box[0][2]==' ' && box[1][1]=='O')	
        {     box[0][2] = 'O';
              return;   }
void computer_move (void)
     srand((unsigned int)time((time_t *)NULL));
     i = rand() % 3;
     j = rand() % 3;
     if (box[1][1]==' ')	 box[1][1] = 'O';
     else if (box[0][0]==' '||box[0][2]==' '||box[2][0]==' '||box[2][2]==' ')
        do   {
            do  {
                i = rand() % 3;
            }   while (i==1);
            do  {
                j = rand() % 3;
            }   while (j==1);
            if (i==0 && (box[0][0]==' '||box[0][2]==' '))
               {  do  {
                      j = rand() % 3;
                  }  while (j==1);
            else if (i==2 && (box[2][0]==' '||box[2][2]==' '))
               {  do    {
                      j = rand() % 3;
                }  while (j==1);
        }    while (box[i][j]!=' ');
        box[i][j] = 'O';
     else if (box[0][1]==' '||box[1][0]==' '||box[1][2]==' '||box[2][1]==' ')
          { do   {
                 i = rand() % 3;
                 j = rand() % 3;
                 if (i==0) j = 1;
                 else if (i==2)  j = 1;
                  do  {
                         j = rand() % 3;
                  }  while (j==1);
            }  while (box[i][j]!=' ');
            box[i][j] = 'O';

char check(void)
{    int empty = 0;
     for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
         if (box[i][0]==box[i][1] && box[i][1]==box[i][2])     return box[i][0];
     for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
         if (box[0][i]==box[1][i] && box[1][i]==box[2][i])     return box[0][i];
     if (box[0][0]==box[1][1] && box[1][1]==box[2][2])  return box[0][0];
     if (box[0][2]==box[1][1] && box[1][1]==box[2][0])  return box[0][2];
     for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
         for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
             if (box[i][j]==' ') empty++;      
     if (empty==0)   return '/';
     return ' ';


in my code, when the player inputs 'r' or 'R' the game and score resets; 'q' or 'Q' quits the game; and 'd' or 'D' resets the game but not the score.

but when i enter those letters it becomes an infinite loop. i tried fixing it but i think it didn't work. the code in red is where my problem enters.

i need help pls pls pls..i'm just a starter in c =/