This is a program where i input a 8 digit binary character and it calculates binary to ascii so if i enter a binary character 01000001 the program calculate and give me the ascii 65 (which is a 'A')

My problem is, once i get 8 character i want to calculate the 8 and get the ascii then calculate the next set. Right now it calculate the last set i input.

ie. i enter 1010101011110000, itll do the calculations for 11110000 and not the first part which is 10101010

would i have to add code into the if statement?
int bit_to_ascii(const char core[ ], char data[ ]);

int main( ) {
   char core2[256];
   char data2[13];
   int rc2;
   printf("enter: ");
   scanf("%256[^\n]", core2);
   rc2 = bit_to_ascii(core2, data2);
   printf("%d", rc2);
   return 0;

int bit_to_ascii(const char core[ ], char data[ ]) {
   int i, rc = 0, j, inte[7];
   char binarray[9];
   for(i=0, j=0; core[i] != '\0'; i++) {
     switch(core[i]) {
	 case '1':
	 case '0':
  	  if(j<8) {
	       binarray[j++] = core[i];
	    else {
               j = 0; /* resets j to 0 after 8 1's or 0's have been found */
          if(j<8) {
	       binarray[j++] = core[i]; 
   binarray[j] = '\0';
   inte[0] = (binarray[0] - 48) * 128;
   inte[1] = (binarray[1] - 48) * 64;
   inte[2] = (binarray[2] - 48) * 32;
   inte[3] = (binarray[3] - 48) * 16;
   inte[4] = (binarray[4] - 48) * 8;
   inte[5] = (binarray[5] - 48) * 4;
   inte[6] = (binarray[6] - 48) * 2;
   inte[7] = (binarray[7] - 48) * 1;
   printf("the binary array is: '%s' %d %d %d\n", binarray, inte[0], inte[1], inte[2]);
   return rc;