Thread: To generate bar code from a number

  1. #16
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I go to verify with the manufacturer and I answer!

    forgives me for my English!

  2. #17
    Registered User
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    Mar 2005
    Mountaintop, Pa
    I just couldn't get really good control over the printer by generating bitmap images to print the 128 bar code. My experience was about an 80% failure rate on the scan of the barcode images which were generated by printing a bitmap. Also, trying to handle all the conditions of generating a 128 barcode bitmap image resulted in a lot of "spaghetti code". So, I opted to use the PCL language for better printer control. This resulted in a really high success scan rate. The alpha PCL code is listed below.

    // BC128.C
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    struct BarCode128 {
        int iFlags;         
        char *pText;       
        char *pPartialData;     
        char *pTextInformation;   
        int iWidth, iHeight; 
        int iXoffset, iYoffset;   
        int iMargin;        
        double fBarCodeScale;     
    static char *cBarcode128Set[] = {
        "212222", "222122", "222221", "121223", "121322",  
        "131222", "122213", "122312", "132212", "221213",
        "221312", "231212", "112232", "122132", "122231",  
        "113222", "123122", "123221", "223211", "221132",
        "221231", "213212", "223112", "312131", "311222",  
        "321122", "321221", "312212", "322112", "322211",
        "212123", "212321", "232121", "111323", "131123",  
        "131321", "112313", "132113", "132311", "211313",
        "231113", "231311", "112133", "112331", "132131",  
        "113123", "113321", "133121", "313121", "211331",
        "231131", "213113", "213311", "213131", "311123",  
        "311321", "331121", "312113", "312311", "332111",
        "314111", "221411", "431111", "111224", "111422",  
        "121124", "121421", "141122", "141221", "112214",
        "112412", "122114", "122411", "142112", "142211",  
        "241211", "221114", "413111", "241112", "134111",
        "111242", "121142", "121241", "114212", "124112",  
        "124211", "411212", "421112", "421211", "212141",
        "214121", "412121", "111143", "111341", "131141",  
        "114113", "114311", "411113", "411311", "113141",
        "114131", "311141", "411131", "b1a4a2", "b1a2a4",  
        "b1a2c2", "b3c1a1b"
    #define START_A 103
    #define START_B 104
    #define START_C 105
    #define STOP    106
    #define SHIFT    98 
    #define CODE_A  101 
    #define CODE_B  100 
    #define CODE_C   99 
    #define FUNC_1  102 
    #define FUNC_2   97 
    #define FUNC_3   96 
    #define BAR_WIDTH 11 
    #define BAR_REDUCTION 0.15  
    #define BARCODE_NO_ASCII      0x00000100   
    #define BARCODE_OUT_PCL       0x00000200   
    #define BARCODE_OUT_PCL_III   0x00000300
    enum {
        BARCODE_128C = 0,     
    int Verify128B(unsigned char *pText)
        if (pText[0] == '\0')
            return -1;
        while (*pText && *pText>=32 && !(*pText & 0x80))
        if (*pText)
            return -1; 
        return 0; 
    int Encode128B(struct BarCode128 *pBarCode)
        static char *pText;
        static char *pPartialData; 
        static char *pTextInfo;
        char *pTextPtr;
        int iIndex, iCode, iTextPosition, iCheckSum = 0;
        if (pBarCode->pPartialData)
        if (pBarCode->pTextInformation)
        pBarCode->pPartialData = pBarCode->pTextInformation = NULL; 
        pText = pBarCode->pText;
        if (!pText) 
            return -1;
        pPartialData = malloc( (strlen(pText) + 4) * 6 + 2);
        if (!pPartialData) 
            return -1;
        pTextInfo = malloc(10*strlen(pText) + 2);
        if (!pTextInfo)
            return -1;
        strcpy(pPartialData, "0"); 
        strcat(pPartialData, cBarcode128Set[START_B]);
        iCheckSum += START_B; 
        pTextPtr = pTextInfo;
        iTextPosition = BAR_WIDTH;
        for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < strlen(pText); iIndex++)
            if ( pText[iIndex] < 32 || (pText[iIndex] & 0x80))
                return -1;
            iCode = pText[iIndex]-32;
            strcat(pPartialData, cBarcode128Set[iCode]);
            iCheckSum += iCode * (iIndex + 1); 
            sprintf(pTextPtr, "%i:12:%c ", iTextPosition, pText[iIndex]);
            pTextPtr += strlen(pTextPtr);
            iTextPosition += BAR_WIDTH; 
        pTextPtr[-1] = '\0'; 
        iCheckSum %= 103;
        strcat(pPartialData, cBarcode128Set[iCheckSum]);
        strcat(pPartialData, cBarcode128Set[STOP]);
        pBarCode->pPartialData = pPartialData;
        pBarCode->pTextInformation = pTextInfo;
        return 0;
    int Verify128C(unsigned char *pText)
        if (pText[0] == '\0')
            return -1;
        if (strlen(pText) % 2)
            return -1;
        for (; *pText; pText++)
            if (!isdigit(*pText))
                return -1;
        return 0;
    int Encode128C(struct BarCode128 *pBarCode)
        static char *pText;
        static char *pPartial;  
        static char *pTextInfo; 
        char *pTextPtr;
        int iIndex, iCode, iTextPos, iCheckSum = 0;
        if (pBarCode->pPartialData)
        if (pBarCode->pTextInformation)
        pBarCode->pPartialData = pBarCode->pTextInformation = NULL; 
        pText = pBarCode->pText;
        if (!pText) 
            return -1;
        pPartial = malloc( (strlen(pText) + 3) * 6 + 2);
        if (!pPartial) 
            return -1;
        pTextInfo = malloc(12*strlen(pText) + 2);
        if (!pTextInfo)
            return -1;
        strcpy(pPartial, "0"); 
        strcat(pPartial, cBarcode128Set[START_C]);
        iCheckSum += START_C; 
        pTextPtr = pTextInfo;
        iTextPos = BAR_WIDTH;
        for (iIndex = 0; pText[iIndex]; iIndex += 2)
            if (!isdigit(pText[iIndex]) || !isdigit(pText[iIndex+1]))
                return -1;
            iCode = (pText[iIndex]-'0') * 10 + pText[iIndex+1] - '0';
            strcat(pPartial, cBarcode128Set[iCode]);
            iCheckSum += iCode * (iIndex / 2 + 1); 
            sprintf(pTextPtr, "%g:9:%c %g:9:%c ", (double)iTextPos, pText[iIndex],
                iTextPos + (double)BAR_WIDTH / 2, pText[iIndex+1]);
            pTextPtr += strlen(pTextPtr);
            iTextPos += BAR_WIDTH; 
        pTextPtr[-1] = '\0'; 
        iCheckSum %= 103;
        strcat(pPartial, cBarcode128Set[iCheckSum]);
        strcat(pPartial, cBarcode128Set[STOP]);
        pBarCode->pPartialData = pPartial;
        pBarCode->pTextInformation = pTextInfo;
        return 0;
    int PclPrint(struct BarCode128 *pBarCode, FILE *f)
        int iIndex, j, k, iBarLength;
        double fTemp1, fTemp2, fSave = 0;
        int iMode = '-'; 
        double fScale=1, iXposition, iX0, iY0, iYr;
        unsigned char *pPtr;
        unsigned char c;
        char cFontID[6];       
        if (!pBarCode->pPartialData || !pBarCode->pTextInformation)
            return -1;
        iBarLength = pBarCode->pPartialData[0] - '0';
        for (pPtr = pBarCode->pPartialData+1; *pPtr; pPtr++)
            if (isdigit(*pPtr)) 
                iBarLength += (*pPtr - '0');
            else if (islower(*pPtr))
                iBarLength += (*pPtr - 'a' + 1);
        if (!pBarCode->fBarCodeScale)
            if (!pBarCode->iWidth) pBarCode->iWidth = iBarLength; 
            fScale = pBarCode->fBarCodeScale = (double)pBarCode->iWidth / (double)iBarLength;
        if (!pBarCode->iWidth) pBarCode->iWidth = iBarLength * fScale +1;
        if (pBarCode->iWidth < iBarLength * fScale) {
            int wid = iBarLength * fScale + 1;
            pBarCode->iXoffset -= (wid - pBarCode->iWidth) / 2;
            pBarCode->iWidth = wid;
            if (pBarCode->iXoffset < 0)
                pBarCode->iWidth += -pBarCode->iXoffset;
                pBarCode->iXoffset = 0;
        if (!pBarCode->iHeight) pBarCode->iHeight = 80 * fScale;
        iIndex = 5 + 10 * ((pBarCode->iFlags & BARCODE_NO_ASCII) == 0);
        if (pBarCode->iHeight < iIndex * fScale )
            double scaleg = ((double)pBarCode->iHeight) / iIndex;
            int wid = pBarCode->iWidth * scaleg / fScale;
            pBarCode->iXoffset += (pBarCode->iWidth - wid) / 2;
            pBarCode->iWidth = wid;
            fScale = scaleg;
        iXposition = pBarCode->iMargin + (pBarCode->pPartialData[0] - '0') * fScale;
        for (pPtr = pBarCode->pPartialData+1, iIndex = 1; *pPtr; pPtr++, iIndex++)
            if (*pPtr == '+' || *pPtr == '-')
                iMode = *pPtr; iIndex++; continue;
            if (isdigit (*pPtr))  j = *pPtr - '0';
            else  j = *pPtr - 'a' + 1;
            if (iIndex % 2)            
                iX0 = pBarCode->iXoffset + iXposition;
                iY0 = pBarCode->iYoffset + pBarCode->iMargin;
                iYr = pBarCode->iHeight;
                if (!(pBarCode->iFlags & BARCODE_NO_ASCII))
                    if (iMode == '-')
                        iYr -= (isdigit(*pPtr) ? 10 : 5) * fScale;
                        iY0 += (isdigit(*pPtr) ? 10 : 0) * fScale;
                        iYr -= (isdigit(*pPtr) ? 20 : 10) * fScale; 
                fprintf(f,"%c&a%.0fH", 27, iX0 * 10.0);
                fprintf(f,"%c&a%.0fV", 27, iY0 * 10.0);
                fprintf(f,"%c*c%.0fH", 27, ((j*fScale)-BAR_REDUCTION) * 10.0);
                fprintf(f,"%c*c%.0fV", 27, iYr * 10.0);
                fprintf(f,"%c*c0P\n", 27);
            iXposition += j * fScale;
        iMode = '-'; 
        if (!(pBarCode->iFlags & BARCODE_NO_ASCII))
            for (pPtr = pBarCode->pTextInformation; pPtr; pPtr = strchr(pPtr, ' '))
                while (*pPtr == ' ') pPtr++;
                if (!*pPtr) break;
                if (*pPtr == '+' || *pPtr == '-')
                    iMode = *pPtr; continue;
                if (sscanf(pPtr, "%lf:%lf:%c", &fTemp1, &fTemp2, &c) != 3)
                    fprintf(stderr, "Cannot print: %s\n", pPtr);
                if (fSave != fTemp2)
                    if ((pBarCode->iFlags & BARCODE_OUT_PCL_III) == BARCODE_OUT_PCL_III)
                        strcpy(cFontID, "4148");   
                        strcpy(cFontID, "16602");  
                    fprintf(f,"%c(8U%c(s1p%5.2fv0s0b%sT", 27, 27, fTemp2 * fScale, cFontID);
                fSave = fTemp2;
                fprintf(f,"%c&a%.0fH", 27, (pBarCode->iXoffset + fTemp1 * fScale + pBarCode->iMargin) * 10.0);
                fprintf(f,"%c&a%.0fV", 27,
                    iMode != '-'
                    ? ((double)pBarCode->iYoffset + pBarCode->iMargin + 8*fScale) * 10.0
                    : ((double)pBarCode->iYoffset + pBarCode->iMargin + pBarCode->iHeight) * 10.0);
                fprintf(f, "%c", c);
        return 0;
    int DeleteBarcode(struct BarCode128 *pBarCode)
        if (pBarCode->pText)
        if (pBarCode->pPartialData)
        if (pBarCode->pTextInformation)
        return 0;
    int EncodeBarcode(struct BarCode128 *pBarCode, int iFlags)
        int ret = 0;
        if(iFlags == BARCODE_128B)
            if (Verify128B(pBarCode->pText)  != 0)
                return -1;
        if(iFlags == BARCODE_128C)
            if (Verify128C(pBarCode->pText)  != 0)
                return -1;
        if(iFlags == BARCODE_128B)
            ret =  Encode128B(pBarCode);
        if(iFlags == BARCODE_128C)
            ret  = Encode128C(pBarCode);
        return ret; 
    struct BarCode128 *Barcode_Create(char *pText)
        struct BarCode128 *pBarCode;
        pBarCode = malloc(sizeof(*pBarCode));
        if (!pBarCode) return NULL;
        memset(pBarCode, 0, sizeof(*pBarCode));
        pBarCode->pText = strdup(pText);
        pBarCode->iMargin = BARCODE_DEFAULT_MARGIN; 
        return pBarCode;
    int PositionBarcode(struct BarCode128 *pBarCode, int iWidth, int iHeight,
                 int iXoffset, int iYoffset, double fScale)
        pBarCode->iWidth = iWidth; pBarCode->iHeight = iHeight;
        pBarCode->iXoffset = iXoffset; pBarCode->iYoffset = iYoffset;
        pBarCode->fBarCodeScale = fScale;
        return 0;
    int main(void)
        FILE  *outfile;
        struct BarCode128 * pBarCode;
        if((outfile=fopen("LPT1","w")) == NULL)
            return -1;
        if (!(pBarCode=Barcode_Create("254896587")))
            return -1;
        PositionBarcode(pBarCode, 0, 0, 40, 530, 0.0);
        EncodeBarcode(pBarCode,BARCODE_128C ); 
        PclPrint(pBarCode, outfile);
        if (!(pBarCode=Barcode_Create("35DarkDucke23was56here")))
            return -1;
        PositionBarcode(pBarCode, 0, 60, 240, 510, 0.0);
        EncodeBarcode(pBarCode,BARCODE_128B ); 
        PclPrint(pBarCode, outfile);
        return 0;

  3. #18
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    in first place, thanks!

    this program prints 2 bar code in the printer connected in LPT1?
    if it this, I made the procedure, it was not printed matter nothing in my printer.... has some additional configuration?

  4. #19
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Mountaintop, Pa
    Yes, the demo program prints two barcodes. One barcode is printed using the 'B' character set of the 128 barcode. The other uses the 'C' character set of the 128 barcode. If the two barcodes do not print out on your printer, then your printer probably does not support Printer Command Language (PCL) which is a page description language. I've tested it on a Lexmark T634 laser printer using two different barcode reader/scanners and it works fine.
    Last edited by BobS0327; 01-16-2008 at 06:47 AM. Reason: Incorrect spelling

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