i wrote this program, but somthenig is missing when i input -1 to finish. instead to have straight this :the overall average miles/gallons:.... my average consumption result, the program output this: Enter the miles driven and it follows:the overall average miles/gallons:

itwil be kind, i had two days stugling.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
  int miles;
  int gallons;
  int counter;
  int total;
  float average;
  float consumption;
  counter = 0;
  total =  0;
  printf ("Enter the gallons used, -1 to end :");
  scanf("%d", &gallons);
  printf("Enter the miles driven :");
  scanf("%d", &miles);
  while (gallons != -1){
        consumption = (float) miles / gallons;
  printf("The miles / gallons for this thank was %.2f \n", consumption);  
        total += consumption;
        counter += 1;
  printf ("\nEnter the gallons used, -1 to end :");
  scanf("%d", &gallons);          
  printf("Enter the miles driven :");
  scanf("%d", &miles);  
  if (counter != 0){
              average = (float) total / counter;
  printf ("\nthe overall average miles/gallons %.2f \n", average);
  printf ("\nNo  No No  ");      
  return 0;