I would like to convert my code that uses an array that's constantly allocated to hold the converted data from an analog to digital converter into a method where the result of the sprintf conversion would be stored in a pointer as long as I need it. Below shows two versions of my code and the red highlighted line shows the task that I'm having trouble with. I apologize for the lackluster tab formatting of the code in advance. Thanks.

explicitly allocated char array version:
// Data Logging Scale                 <[email protected]>
// Created: Nov 3, 2007
// Revised: Nov 15, 2007

#include <built_in.h>
#include "typedefs.h"
#include "usart.h"
#include "LCD4.h"

#define BUFFER_SIZE 5

void delay(uint number)
      while(--number > 0);

void main() {
  uint temp_res, last_temp_res;
  int n;
  char adc[BUFFER_SIZE];            // temporary adc string value

  OSCCON = 0x70;        /* internal oscillator at 8 Mhz, system clock = internal oscillator*/
  OSCTUNE = 0x00;        /* oscillator tuning register at max frequency */
 	CMCON = 7;              // turn off comparators
 	Delay_ms(20);            // system wide delay of 20 ms
  ADCON1 = 0x0e;          // Configure Vref and AN0
  TRISA  = 0x01;          // PORTA is output except RA0 (AN0)
  TRISB  = 0x00;          // all PORTB pins are output
  TRISC  = 0x00;          // PORTC is outputs
  LCD4_INIT();            // initialize the LCD
  LCD4_OUT("Weight (kg) : ");       // output some text

    temp_res = Adc_Read(0);
    n = sprintf(adc, "%u", temp_res);
    if (n < 0 || n >= BUFFER_SIZE)
    if (abs(temp_res - last_temp_res) < 10)
          LCD4_CMD(142);                   // move cursor position to character #15
          LCD4_OUT(adc);              // output the a/d result
    last_temp_res = temp_res;
malloc for a char pointer version:
// Data Logging Scale                 <[email protected]>
// Created: Nov 3, 2007
// Revised: Dec 15, 2007

#include <built_in.h>
#include "typedefs.h"
#include "usart.h"
#include "LCD4.h"

#define BUFFER_SIZE 5

void delay(uint number)
      while(--number > 0);

void main() {
  uint temp_res, last_temp_res;
  char *temp_res_text;               // dynamic character array pointer
  int n;

  OSCCON = 0x70;        /* internal oscillator at 8 Mhz, system clock = internal oscillator*/
 	OSCTUNE = 0x00;        /* oscillator tuning register at max frequency */
 	CMCON = 7;              // turn off comparators
 	Delay_ms(20);            // system wide delay of 20 ms
  ADCON1 = 0x0e;          // Configure Vref and AN0
  TRISA  = 0x01;          // PORTA is output except RA0 (AN0)
  TRISB  = 0x00;          // all PORTB pins are output
  TRISC  = 0x00;          // PORTC is outputs
  LCD4_INIT();            // initialize the LCD
  LCD4_OUT("Weight (kg) : ");       // output some text

     temp_res = Adc_Read(0);          // sample a/d converter
     temp_res_text = (char *) malloc(5);        // allocate 5 character bytes
     // How would i use sprintf function to convert temp_res data into string format
     // in resultant pointer temp_res_text?
     LCD4_CMD(142);                   // move cursor position to character #15
     LCD4_OUT(temp_res);              // output the a/d result
     free(temp_res_text);             // free allocated character bytes
Please let me know if there are any functions that you don't understand as those functions have been tested to work up to the specification so far, hence why I didn't include them b/c they are not the source of the problem.