Hi, I'm getting two spaces instead of just one and this is not good!

The differences occur when there is just a blank line.

So if we had a file:
/* everything is good */
/* everything is good */ 

/* I'm a space ahead of where I am now if you output me with the below code */
Here's the code:
	while ( EOF != (inChar = getc(inFile)) ) {
		if ( (column >= options.width) ) {
			if ('\n' != outLine[offset-1] ) { 
				outLine[offset++] = '\n'; 
			fwrite(outLine, sizeof(char), offset, stdout); 
			memset(outLine, '\0', 65535); 
			offset = lastBlank = thereWasASpaceInThisLine = column = 0;

		outLine[offset++] = inChar;
		column = incColumn(&column, inChar, options);

		if ( '\n' == inChar ) {
			thereWasASpaceInThisLine = FALSE;
			column = options.width;