I'm sure this is a very common problem. No matter how many times I've delt with pointers, they always end up confusing me. Especially in c.

I'm trying to pass a pointer to the root of a binary tree in a function, have the function change/add to the contents of the children, then return the original pointer. Here is the code:

struct node*
addword(struct node* p, char *w)
    int cond;
    struct node* i = p; //create iterator pointer

    while (i != NULL) {
        if ((cond = strcmp(w, i->word)) == 0) {
            return p;
        else if (cond < 0) {
            i = i->left;
        else {
            i = i->right;

    i = talloc(); // allocates new 'struct node'
    i->word = strdup(w);
    i->count = 1;
    i->left = i->right = NULL;

    return p;
I'm sure you can tell what I'm trying to do. I made a dummy pointer 'i' so I can iterate through my tree (ie i = i->right; ), then I can return the original pointer p. But no matter what I do to the pointer i, the pointer p does not change when it is returned. I know there is most likely a stupid mistake somewhere in here, but I've been playing with it for hours and reading countless pointer tutorials. I just can't seem to get it to work.

Can you guys help me out a bit?
