I'm working on an assignment that takes some inputs for an address book. However, I have problems getting the input to read properly. Here's the section so far:
char addcontact ()
        auto char input1[100], input2[100], input3[100], input4[6], input5[10];
        char c;
        int cnt = 0;
        fflush (stdin);
        printf("First Name: ");
        fgets(input1, 100, stdin);
        strcpy (InfoList[listcnt].firstname, input1);

        printf("Last Name: ");
        fgets(input2, 100, stdin);
        strncpy (InfoList[listcnt].lastname, input2, cnt);

        printf("Address: ");
        while ((c = getchar()) != '\n')
        fgets(input3, 100, stdin);
        strncpy (InfoList[listcnt].address, input3, cnt);

        printf("Postal Code: ");
        fgets(input4, 7, stdin);
        strcpy (InfoList[listcnt].pcode, input4);

        printf("Phone Number: ");
        fgets(input5, 11, stdin);
        strcpy (InfoList[listcnt].phone, input5);

The input:
First Name: John
Last Name: Doe
Address: 123 Street

Postal Code: A1B 2C3
Phone Number:
And the output:
Contact 1
First Name: John

Last Name:
Postal Code: A1B- 2C
Phone Number: (3
) -
I have to press return twice to get past the address section, and it won't even let me enter a phone number. After that, it ignores the address and for some reason overflows the postal code into the phone number. Any idea what's wrong here?