below u'll find all the details pertaining to my problem:
Implement a file system on top of a file of 100KB called “abcFS”(replace abc by your
id).You have to develop a library of the following functions.
myopen(“filename”,”r/w”); open
for read or write
myread(void *out,int NoOfBytes,filehandler fh); –out
is preallocated memory
mywrite(void *in,int NoOfBytes,filehandler fh); in
is input buffer
myseek(int pos,filehandler fh); current
pointer placed at pos
delete(“filename”); delete
the file and release the space allocated.
myclose(filehandler fh); close
the file
Copy these 5 functions into a header file “abclib.h”(replace abc by your id) and develop a C
implementation of them.
Assume that there is no directory structure. Filenames are unique.User must not be able to
create a file with already existing filename.
Write a program abcFSformat.c that creates your filesystem of 100KB size and formats it.
Test your file system library by using the calls in a separate test program.
The file system should be persistent. Test your filesystem through many invocations of the test

This file system has to be implemented on a linux kernel..using the concept of superblocks,bitmap inodes,datablock files.