
I was wondering if there is a way to loop over structure's components.

For example:
typedef struct myStructure myStructure;
struct myStructure {
		char *name;
		double len;
                                int n;
myStructure a,b;
in my case a is the "parent" of b.
so after assigning everything for a and copying it to b, I want to check if some of the input I have for b is different from it's parent in which case I will update b with the new input (the input for b can be incomplete (so it might have a name but not len for example) and that is why I need to copy the components of a (which is always complete) first and update only the fields that were given as input for b).

Sorry if my explenation of what I want to do is too complicated... not to sure how to write it...

in pseudo code it should be like this:

for component in b:
for eachComp in input: